Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 17: Right On Time


Hey Sis!!
 As I was reading the devotional for today, it reminded me of the song: "He's an on time God, Yes he is....Oh, on time God, yes He is....He may not come when you want Him but He'll be there right on time."

The GREAT thing about God is that He's a man of His word. If He said it, it will surely come to pass; you can bet your life on it! The part where we, as Christians, get caught up is in the waiting. Sometimes we think that when we ask God for something He should deliver it right then. We treat God almost as if He's a genie in a bottle; we give him our requests and tell Him to send the answer NOW—to send the blessing NOW—because we believe we need it NOW! Sometimes God answers expeditiously and other times He makes us wait.

The scripture reference for today is Daniel 9:19 " Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.” (NIV) When we pray, we want God to hear our prayers and act on them. When you think of the word "act" you think of the word "action." The definition of action is something done or performed; an act; or a deed. Many times when we pray and we don't see something being done or a miracle being performed in the natural we automatically assume that God isn't moving or working on our behalf. When in actuality from the time you had the thought to the time you spoke the words out of your mouth—to the time it penetrated the heavens—God heard you and he started moving on your prayer request right then! God is always working behind the scenes; it may not have manifested in the natural yet, but believe it's on the way and will arrive right on time.
Mark Batterson stated, "By definition praying hard is hard because it's hard. But it's the prayers you pray when you feel like you want to quit praying that can bring the greatest breakthroughs.” Whenever you’re believing God for something the devil always tries to send thoughts of doubt—especially when you’re in your waiting period—because  he wants to distract you. He wants to discourage you and throw you off course so that you stop praying. Wouldn't it be horrible to quit just before the breakthrough, just before the blessing, just before the release? That's why quitting is not an option. God says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing," which means to pray without stopping. Tell the devil he's a liar and continue to P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens).

Say this prayer:

Lord, I come before blessing Your holy name. I thank You for being the head of my life, for setting the path before me and ordering my steps. I thank You Lord for giving me patience and for helping me to see that your timing is the best timing. Help me not to be impatient, instead help me to wait for Your perfect will to be done in my life. You know my situation better than I do, therefore I know You will deliver the answer right on time. I know that You want the very best for me, and I surrender my will for Your will. Have Your way and take complete control. I know that You are working and interceding on my behalf, even right now, therefore I trust You whole-heartedly and I stand on your promises. Lord, I thank You and praise You in advance for the turn around, for the release, and for the breakthrough.
In Jesus Name,

 P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!
Post Written By: SIS Chantele

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