Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 15: He Will Fight For You

Hey SIS!!

This chapter really hits home for me so let me take you into my world. I come from a fairly large household as my mother had six children. I was the youngest and my siblings were much older. We had this one sister who was the protector of all siblings. If anyone messed with any of her sisters they would have to battle with her instead. Even if the kids looked at one of my older siblings wrong or even called them a name she would give them a physical shakedown that would have them volunteering to hand over lunch money, giving her their homework, and running home to their momma in silent fear. Her reputation was so strong she was even known for physically taking out multiple kids at one time, girls and boys alike. They didn’t mess with my sister or even my family for that matter. She was always on Top Notch Guard for her us! I couldn't have loved her more!!! :)

The key scripture Mark Batterson uses for today is Psalms 35:23 “Contend for me my God and Lord.” Batterson starts off noting, “God loves when we fight for Him. But God loves it even more when we let Him fight for us!” A statement so simple and powerful yet throughout life the simplicity of ‘God wanting to fight for us’ can be tough to digest when we decide to dedicate our lives to Him.

To show you what I mean when I was around four/five years old I found out that my sister, The Top Notch Sibling Guard, became pregnant then sick and doctors said she only had one year to live. An untreatable malignant brain tumor was what she had. So I watched this strong, vibrant, “stand for your rights” woman full of love fight for her life until it was over. For me, although I was six at the time and my siblings were all adults, I felt a transfer of the need to protect just like my sister did. While the “fight” I stood for was far less physical and more mental and emotional, I still had a natural tendency to “protect” what was right. All throughout school I was never truly picked on, yet I would stand up for people who were or I would always encourage those who were hurting. I was the young one who always had a “handle” on things no matter the angle.

It was only natural for this “handle all” spirit to continue heavily into my adulthood, right? However, we all know that with adulthood comes adult responsibilities! Ugh! Those things can be a handful and even though I was a Saved woman attempting to use “wisdom” and “sound logic” to make “good decisions” all my efforts kept me spinning my wheels in circles and always feeling drained!!!!! That’s until I realized the simple notion that Batterson mentions, “If you are on God’s side, then God is on your side.” Translation: God wants you to ONLY focus on fighting for Him and to let Him handle EVERYTHING ELSE! Now how reassuring is that!?! Some of you may be saying to yourself right now “Wait, you mean to tell me if I put ALL of my energy/focus into staying in God’s presence then God handles the rest????” My response: “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying SIS!!!!” Next you may ask, “Well how can I give everything to God?” Well SIS, Batterson said it best: “Prayer is the way we let go and let God. Prayer is the way we take our hands off and let God put His hands on. Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you.” If we are doing His will God has our back and we can rest in confidence knowing “Our prayers don't have expiration dates.” What a relief!!!

So say this prayer:

Father, I thank you that no matter how many mistakes I made before, You are always here to be on my side when I choose you! Because I am Your child You want me to be weightless and give all worries and cares to You. I am so grateful for that. Father, although I know things will not be easy and there will be setbacks, I know You wanting me to succeed is far greater. So I will use my weapon of prayer to fight for You. I will devote myself to You and Your will. I ask that You remove from me all things that make it “natural” for me to handle situations my own way. Remove my anxiety. Remove my past hurts of abandonment. Remove my worries and fears. Help me to be totally dependent on fighting for my personal relationship with You so that You can fight ALL battles for me. I love you Lord and although I may have taken things into my own hands before, I look forward to giving it all up to you now. I want to withhold Nothing! Thank You for Your continuous Mercy. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Post Written By: SIS Leigh

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