Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 14: Speak To The Mountain

Hey SIS!!!!

Sometimes when you’re in the midst of a storm in life all you can focus on is the storm. You think about the relationship, problem on the job, sickness, or whatever problem that keeps surfacing and you feel as though you can’t overcome. There are thoughts that come to your mind such as “things will never change,” “there is no hope,” or some other negative statement that is a LIE from the enemy. God can help you to overcome anything! All you have to do is have faith and talk to him about it.

The scripture for Day 14 is Matthew 17:20, which says “He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Batterson says “There comes a moment when you must quit talking to God about the mountain in your life and start talking to the mountain about your God.” You can stand on God’s promises, and declare that God has all power to deliver you from whatever problem you’re dealing with. We are daughters of the King, and as his children we must know and believe that nothing can over take us. You know the saying, “the battle is the Lord’s,” well it’s true.  Batterson states “The battlefield is the prayer closet…And when we hit our knees, God fights our battles for us.”

I can recall feeling like I had no friends; I felt lonely. After college ended, many of my closest friends moved to different states. As my relationship with God grew closer, I began to feel like I didn’t fit in with some of the people I did have as friends. I can remember praying to God—literally crying out to him with my desire to have friends. I wanted to be around women who I could relate to, who shared my beliefs, and could understand my sense of humor. One day I went to a friend’s birthday party and was introduced to a young lady. She said she was going to be putting together a step team to minister to others about God. I said I was interested. I never imagined that one month later I would get a call from this young lady asking me to join her step team. Now close to three years later, on a daily basis I get to enjoy the friendships I have formed through Saved In Style. God heard my cry and answered my prayer. He can do the same for you!

Our weapon against the enemy is prayer—that’s our part to handle. That act of quality time with our Father is time well spent. He then goes before us to resolve our situations. God begins to change the hearts and minds of others so we are favored; He allows us to cross path with the right person at the right time. God gives us strength and wisdom to change our ways and to become the women of God we are called to be.
Journaling really helps me to remember how God has answered my prayers from many years ago!!!
Say this prayer:


Thank You for always hearing my prayers. You’ve known me since the beginning, and hold my future in Your hands. I know that although I face challenges and unpleasant situations, that all things will work for my good because that is what you promise in Your word. Lord, please take over the problems that I face. I need you, and can’t do anything without You. Give me peace and strength while I face trials. I release every situation that I have tried to fix and have control of the outcome. Thank You for relieving me. For I know, that the battle is Yours and I thank You right now for the victory. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
For more information about Saved In Style Sisterhood visit our website:

Post Written By: SIS Chelsea


  1. Asked God for true friendship most I thought was friends left.

    1. And God answered your prayer!!! He gave you more than friends..He have you SISters!!!! Love ya!
