Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 13: One Day


Hey SIS!!!

Below is the video blog for today! Yesterday, I received so many miraculous testimonies that we will be sharing later. Today, could be your day to receive a blessing from the Lord!!! You have to expect it and be ready to receive it!!!I hope you are excited!

Say This Prayer:
I come to you rejoicing because You are my source of joy. I thank You for all that You have done for me and all You have planned for my life. There is no one like You and I don't want to go one second without You in my life. Lord, I come to You today with expectancy because I know You are always thinking of me and You have great plans for my life. I am excited about all that You are about to do in my life. Although, I may not be able to see it yet, I know You have heard my prayers and You are moving on my behalf. Lord, I have complete confidence in You. I will no longer doubt You or question Your timing. I trust You with my life. I will wait patiently and pray while You work everything out for my good. Lord, I will no longer serve You with a nonchalant attitude and lack of enthusiasm. Lord, I will serve You with a high level of excitement and faith. Lord, help me to pray earnestly and with enthusiasm for according to Your Word in James 5:16 (AMP)-"The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available."  Lord,  I will pray everyday and I will not doubt that You are listening and sending answers to my prayers. Lord, elevate my faith and reveal Yourself to me even more so that I may have undeniable experiences with You. I love You, I trust You and I am excited about what You are about to do in my life. In Jesus' Name. AMEN.
Post Written By: De'Nisha Sh'Lene

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