Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 12: Sow A Seed

Hey SIS!!!

Have you ever thought about the seeds you sow when you pray? Go ahead and be honest, most people don’t even think about praying as a way of sowing seeds. When we think about sowing seeds often times we think about an offering at church and a Man or Woman of God admonishing us to “sow a seed into good ground”. For most of us, that is the first and last time we think about sowing seeds.  When I first read The Circle Maker and did the 40 Day Challenge with Draw the Circle last year, I was truly convicted on how I approach the biblical principle of “seed time and harvest”. This principle does not only apply to sowing and reaping financial blessings, but truly extends to so many other areas of our lives. For the sake of time, let’s focus on seeds we sow in the form of prayer and words.

Batterson states, “No farmer would plant beans and expect to harvest corn!”  Why is it then that we sow seeds of unbelief, doubt, and discord with our words and expect to reap anything else?  Proverbs 18:21 tells us about the power of the tongue.  We pray for financial breakthrough, healing, promotion, and success, yet we speak words as “Girl I ain't got no money, I’m sick, I’m not qualified” and expect to still enjoy God’s best, which is the opposite of what we’ve been sowing into the atmosphere with our words.  Charles Capp once said “Faith talks. When faith talks, it talks faith, not fear and unbelief.” I encourage you today to WATCH YOUR MOUTH! Make sure the words you speak are truly the harvest you want to reap.  Words may seem small like the mustard seed talked about in our scripture for today, but words produce much more than we could imagine.

Our author goes on to say, “Each prayer is like a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers bear fruit forever.” Wow, how many of us are the fruit of the prayers prayed by someone long before us? My family is large and from the south, and often we would hear my grandmother pray, “Lord bless my children, and my children’s children, and they children’s children…” Although, she has been gone for many years and never got a chance to see the full harvest of those prayers, God is still honoring them today. Because someone took the time to intercede on our behalf, many of us are alive and enjoying the blessings prayed for many years ago. The enemy causes many of us to abort our harvest because we give up on praying about a matter. My grandmother didn’t see all of us saved and living the life she believed God for us to have, but those prayers never ceased. Often we pray about something on Monday, fired up and quoting scriptures Tues-Thurs, the answer we wanted doesn’t come by Friday, then we are now mad at God as of Saturday and are convinced this prayer stuff isn’t working. As the chapter pointed out, although we want our prayers answered immediately, that isn’t always the case in the Kingdom of God. James 5:16 in the Message bible says, The prayer of a person living right with God is something to be reckoned with. Are you giving the enemy and his camp as much hell with the prayers you praying as he is sending your way?  What are you availing to those that God has assigned you to pray for? What seeds have you sown to bring forth the fruit you are believing God for in your family, your city, and your world? President Obama used the phrase be the change you want to see, but I want to challenge you to sow the seeds you want to reap!
Listen to this song and let it minister to you:)


Pray this prayer:

Lord, I bless You today because You are faithful even when I am faithless. I pray today that You would forgive me for every time I have let the enemy steal my harvest by not truly being persistent in prayer. Lord, help me find time each day to spend time in Your word and in prayer. I pray for a deeper revelation of who You are and Who I am in You. Holy Spirit, I ask You to do a work in my heart. Help me to identify when I speak words that are contrary to what the Word of God says about me and any situation that I may face. I cast down fear, for You have not given me the spirit of fear according to Your Word in 2 Timothy 1:7.  I boldly declare today that my prayers are a force to be reckoned with! I am what the Word says I am, I can do what the Word of God says, I can be what the Word says I can be. Lord, help me not to be weary in well doing, but know in your appointed time I will reap if I faint not. In Jesus name. Amen.
Post Written By: SIS Lesley


  1. I am so thankful for this prayer challenge. A lot happened to me in 2013 to make me question the vision God gave me for my life. Through prayer I received the courage and faith to see it through. God is still working with me and healing me. I just want to keep seeking Him so I don't miss anything. Keep me and your prayers and Thank you for being obedient.

  2. Amen Carolada! 2012 was the year for me so I do understand (Day 10 Blog Post) where you are coming from!!! Glad you are still holding on to your Faith!
    ~SIS Leigh B
