Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pray For A Cure

Hey SIS!

On Day 3 of this #TagTeam Prayer Challenge, I posted my best friend's testimony of how God healed her completely from any threat of cancer. If you haven't heard the testimony, it is posted below. In the video, Ashley mentions praying a strategic prayer that was written by Lesley who is a member of Saved In Style. Lesley is a Nurse Practitioner and an intercessor (She is also my prayer and business partner!!). So many people in my life were being diagnosed with cancer, so I asked her to write a strategic prayer for them. I want to share the prayer with you and PLEASE share it with anyone you know who may be diagnosed with cancer or any threat of the disease. Have them read the prayer aloud and pray daily!!!

P.S. Lesley will be launching her blog on February 14, 2014. It will have strategic prayers that specifically address various diseases!!! Please share your testimonies because God already proved He is a healer and we know many more will be healed, in Jesus Name!!!

Live Again Blog: Prayer for Cancer

By Lesley T. Caldwell, MSN, FNP-BC:

Lord in the name of Jesus, I declare and decree today that I am what the word says. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53: 4-5). I speak over my life according to Psalms 118: 17, ”that I shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord,” for I was created for purpose and shall live to carry out the assignment and purpose you have for my life. Therefore, I declare that your name is higher than (name of the cancer) according to Philippians 2: 9-11 and I believe the report of the Lord. I shall not fear for you have not given me the spirit of fear but of Power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I have the mind of Christ and I am an over comer in Jesus name.

 (Name of Cancer) I speak to you and I command you to go in Jesus name (Matthew 17:20).  I command every cancerous cell, pre-cancerous cell, cell mutation, genetic predisposition, and/or generational curse that would allow you to operate and live in me to cease to exist and go now in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over my organs and I remind them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made according to Psalms 139:14. I declare that they have been washed by the blood of the lamb.

I command the anointing of the Holy Ghost to fall on the medical staff who have been assigned to care for me. I pray for supernatural guidance and insight into my case. I declare that side effects from medications and procedures shall not come nigh my dwelling (Psalms 91: 9-10). Thank you for the medical team but I declare that You are Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that heals (Exodus 15:26), and the medical staff and any treatment  are only mere instruments that you may use in your divine plan.  Therefore, my faith is in You God. I pray that my encounters with the medical staff and patients I meet be divine encounters where they see You in me and Your glory is revealed to them so that they would know you as God. I pray that your anointing penetrates the hallways and the exam rooms where I am placed. Holy Spirit have your way even in this situation that I face.

 I will meditate on your word day and night because according to Proverbs  4:22, Your Words are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  Your word always accomplishes what you sent it to do and according to Psalms 107:20, you sent your word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Even if my symptoms say something else, today I boldly declare that I am healed and no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).  I command my body and my life to bless you according to Psalms 103:1-5, for you are the Lord that forgives all my inequities and heals all of my diseases. Being a child of God comes with benefits and healing is a benefit that I have by being a child of the King. In Malachi 3:6 you said “I am the Lord and I change not” so I believe what you have done before you can and will do it again. Therefore, I ask in confidence in the Name of Jesus, that your healing power would overtake my body, my mind, my spirit, and my soul.

Lord, if there be any unforgiveness, God show me so that I may forgive and live again. God if there be any hatred in my heart, show me so that I can love as you love and live again. Lord ,if there be any sin in my life, I repent so that I can live a life that pleases you. God take over; use this test for your glory and your honor.  Amen.  (All scriptures form the KJV and NIV)

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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