Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 11: Women on Watch

Hey SIS!!!!

Remember our #TagTeam Prayer Line is tomorrow at 5am!!!!

Dial-In Number (760) 569-7171/ Participant Code: 179125783#
I’m so excited about this day! God is revealing Himself to all of us in new ways as each day passes. We learned that God is smarter than us. His thoughts and ways are beyond what we can even conceive in our human minds. God has the best view of our lives and when we pray, He gives us insight that we normally wouldn’t have. God can show us opportunities, can lead us to reach out to someone in need, can give us warnings so we avoid making horrible mistakes, and so much more! In order to gain this amazing wisdom and guidance we must pray.
The scripture highlighted on Day 11 is Colossians 4: 2 – “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Batterson says, “Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes.”  He explains that through prayer we get a “sixth sense,” which allows us to see and notice things that are taking place in the spiritual realm. God has given us five senses—hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching—to help us navigate the world. Those senses work well for helping us to move through our physical environments, but what about the things that aren’t physical like our future or the questions that we have about life. We can’t see what will happen or possibly know the impact of our decisions. That’s why we need a “sixth sense” aka spiritual eyes to gain greater understanding.
I think back to earlier sporadic encounters I would have with God. I would be in a time of growth within Him, and I would have dreams. For years, I thought my dreams were just dreams—until a few years ago, when situations experienced in my dream began to emerge in my life while I was awake. One pivotal experience caught my attention and made me realize maybe my dreams were sent by God:
I had a dream and part of the dream focused on my Uncle. We were not very close, and really only saw each other around the holidays. In the dream he was dealing with a painful situation; the overall tone of the dream was sad. When I woke up the next morning I didn’t know what to do. The dream felt significant, but logically it seemed silly to think that what happened in my dream could be happening in real life. I asked one of my SISters for some advice. She told me to pray and ask God what I should do in response to the dream. I followed her suggestion. As I went through my day, I kept thinking about my Uncle. When I was driving home from work, the urge grew stronger and I thought I should call him. I called and talked to him briefly, and asked him how he was doing and let him know I loved him. A few weeks later, my Uncle called me and thanked me for calling him. He said when we spoke he was actually just leaving the hospital, and didn’t tell anyone. He was so surprised I called him at that exact moment, and appreciated the call. When I realized how God sent me information through a dream I was amazed. Thanks to my obedience I was able to help bring comfort to a family member, I previously rarely talked with.
As I pray and continue to press into God’s presence, God has communicated with me through even more through dreams. Batterson says “we don’t see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.” Prayer is so important. When we pray we increase our inner spirit, and open the door to see the world through spiritual eyes. Batterson tells us that “God speaks to us through dreams, desires, promptings, impressions, and ideas.” God wants to download information into each of us in different ways. The Holy Spirit enables us to think and see things that we normally can’t.
You too can develop spiritual eyes. God wants to give you insight. Batterson gives an example of how our spiritual vision grows: When you download a new ring tone, you think you’ve never heard it before. However, once it becomes yours then you always seem to notice it. It’s similar to our experience with God. When you begin to pray and spend time in God’s presence you start noticing things. God begins to give you a new view of the world and developing your spiritual eyes.  As you continue to journal during this prayer challenge, write down the things you notice—thoughts, dreams, promptings—after your prayer time. God is speaking to you and giving you a “sixth sense.”
Here is SIS De'Nisha's testimony of how being connected to God and seeing with your spiritual eyes can save your life!!!!

Say this prayer:
Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You for giving me spiritual eyes to see things that aren’t visible in the natural. You are so wonderful! I know that You have a good plan for me, and want to give me every advantage. I accept your divine insights, wisdom, and the information you want to give to me. Thank You for guiding me every step of the way. Lord, I pray that I can hear you more clearly. Make it easy and obvious for me to understand what You are telling me. Help me to obey. I’m thankful that through my obedience I will be able to tap into new opportunities, help others, and avoid setbacks. I ask for more of you; enter into my life and have your way. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
Post Written By: SIS Chelsea

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