Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Da 10: Crazy Faith

Hey SIS!!!


I must admit when first introduced to this challenge, I had no clue if I would be able to commit. My church was also doing a 40 day prayer challenge seeking God’s promises and I refused to do something with my SISters if I couldn’t devote the time. My calendar was already filling up for the month of January/February and honestly, it was the beginning of the year and I was already exhausted. So naturally, there was some resistance to take on more. Yet early January, while spending time with God, He convicted me in such an indirect but powerful way. He flat out told me “You have full access to my power so why don't you use it?” So yeah, after that moment the rest was history. I had to shut up, step up, and just let God!!

The scripture highlighted in Chapter 10 is Luke 18:5 (NLT), which reads “but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she get’s justice because she is wearing me out with her requests!” In this passage God was telling His disciples the parable of the persistent widow who kept coming to a heartless judge seeking justice. Despite the judge’s countless refusals, the woman kept coming so he eventually granted her request. No one can tell me this woman didn’t have CRaZY Faith!!!! Despite the judge’s reputation for being heartless and having no regard of God, this widow went to the EXTREME and kept making request...after request...after request...until finally she received her breakthrough!!!!

That is what God wants us to show in our prayer life: CRaZY Faith! Mark Batterson said, “It has more to do with what we do than what we say." Like the widow who just KEPT showing up, God wants us to do the same! He wants us to break mundane rituals and be BOLD. He wants us to abandon all logic and human sensibilities and operate off pure/unfiltered & persistent faith! This reminds me of a period where I was experiencing complete hell on earth. I had just started to get my walk right with Jesus and everything was GREAT then here comes a hit: BAM! then another BAM! and another!! Next thing you know I looked up and an entire year of attacks damaged my health, emotions, finances, property, friends, family, church......you name it! I was out done, yet, like the widow in the parable, I held on to faith in God! When I couldn’t hold on, I leaned on. When I couldn’t lean, I laid on and when I felt myself slipping off then I CRIED OUT over and over and over again! It still brings me to tears to type it now and even back then people probably thought I was crazy. In the midst of everything I was going through, I held on to my faith in God. “Why wouldn’t I run to my homegirls to vent (i.e complain)? Why wouldn’t I let that man who “loved” me so much come back and give me comfort during such a hard time!?! Ummmm, you ask!?! Because no matter how BAD things were (and they were BAD), I just knew God was the only one who had the Perfect solution! So I KEPT telling the devil “No matter what, not THIS time”...and I kept telling God “Everything can be taken away but I WILL NEVER EVER LET GO!”  ~~BOLD Crazy Faith~~
Batterson says, "Crazy miracles are the offspring of crazy faith. Normal begets normal. Crazy begets crazy. If you want to see God do crazy miracles, sometimes we need to pray crazy prayers."  How desperate are you for the blessing, the breakthrough or the miracle you've been praying for? "God is still honoring those who defy protocol with their bold prayers." Today, I encourage you to try something different. If you want a crazy miracle, I encourage you to exercise crazy faith and pray some crazy prayers!
As we continue in the challenge, keep chasing after God and all that He has for your life. In this race towards God, we have to exercise crazy faith to get crazy results!!
 Press your way through. Praise Your way Through. Do whatever it takes to get God!!!

Say This Prayer:

 Father, You are so limitless.  Your Word in Matthew 7:8 says, “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.” So Lord I thank You that because of how great You are, no prayer will go unanswered!  Despite my imperfections, You want to bless me. Despite my weariness, You still love me. I know through Your own words You honor persistent and bold prayers. So I come to You right now God asking for forgiveness for every time I didn't have die hard faith in You or every time I stopped just short of the finish line because I became too consumed by circumstances. Lord, I repent. I ask that You renew my spirit. Help me abandon those mundane practices that do not honor Your Greatness. Help me to do away with my own reasoning and seeking others for solutions that I know only You possess. Release those chains on my spirit that keep me from being extreme and completely crazy about You! Lord keep me afloat. Make me anew with dreams, visions, and endurance that only You can supply! I don’t care how crazy I look, help me to stand firm and circle Your promises anyhow! Let people think I am insane so You can get all the Glory when you answer my persistent requests! I do not care how long it takes or what I have to do, I am Yours. I trust You. You died for me. I owe You. You gave me life and I need You. So I thank You in advance for all these things will be given, In Jesus Name, Amen!

Post Written By: SIS Leigh


  1. This confirms what I read this morning in Matthew 9:21-30 I believe. Despite all odds, each individual had crazy faith. Bless you for this!

    1. Amen! I absolutely when God confirms His word!
