Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 19: Memorial Offerings

Hey SIS!

It’s Day 19 and I’m filled with “holy anticipation” (as Mark Batterson says) about what the Lord is doing in each and every one of your lives. God hears your daily prayers. Your prayers mean so much to Him! Hopefully you see them as valuable and something to be remembered. We must believe that each prayer is heard and will be answered in due time.

Today's scripture is Acts 10:4 “Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked. The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” (NIV) First, it’s important to understand what a "memorial offering" is. A memorial by definition is something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event. An offering is a gift or contribution. Simply put, when we pray, we've given God something to cherish and remember for generations to come. God loves our prayers. Isn't it amazing that everyday we have the opportunity to give something to someone who literally gave their life for us! Our prayers are like love letters to God. We get to ask for what we need, apologize for hurting Him, and best of all express our love and appreciation for Him. Often times we pray for things and we expect them to surface in our timing. We assume that because we haven't seen the manifestation that maybe God forgot about it. Don't worry! If you pray for things that are in His will, He will answer. Our prayers don't have expiration dates.  Our love letters make for the perfect keepsake and will not be forgotten.

Mark Batterson states, "Our prayers don't die when we do. God answers them forever.” In the chapter he tells a story about a mother who everyday, after every meal, would go to her room and pray for each of her twelve children. On her deathbed she told her children "I'm going to die but the power of my prayers will come to pass in each of your lives." Her prayer was that each of her children surrendered their life to Christ. Before she died six out of twelve were saved. Now, the total is ten out of twelve. In faith we know that her prayers for the last two will be answered. Even after death, and though she did not see what or how God was moving while she was praying, her prayers did not expire. They are still being answered.

This story is extremely powerful to me. I'm sure we could all benefit from the unwavering faith that this prayerful mother exemplified. After all, "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6). Not having faith is like telling God "I wrote you this love letter but you probably won't respond; just thought I'd give it a shot."

 Batterson makes reference to the memories he has of his own grandfather interceding regularly on his behalf. Much like Batterson, I cannot recall a memory of my grandmother, Sallie Mae, without a Bible in her hand. Like the woman in the story, I know Sallie Mae prayed for us everyday—all day! I wonder how many of her prayers are manifesting in my life still to this day. I truly believe that my involvement with Saved in Style, the new found thirst that I have for God, and the wonderful women of God I'm surrounded by, are the product of a prayer circle that began when I was born 26 years ago.
Let's give God a memorial offering! God can and will answer every prayer!


Say this prayer:

Dear God,

I thank You for always hearing my prayers. Thank You that You can and will answer my prayers according to Your will. I trust You and Your perfect timing. Lord, even though I do not know Your plans and I may not visibly see what I have asked for at this time, I believe that every promise shall come to pass. Thank You for every prayer that others have prayed on my behalf in the past that is still being answered today. Continue to strengthen my faith and give me patience. I come against every thought that You have forgotten about me and I thank You that prayers do not expire. Thank You for Your undying and unconditional love for me. Forgive me for the times I gave up on You. Forgive me for the times I got tired of waiting on unanswered prayers and tried to take my life into my own hands. Thank You that my path is already set and that I may find rest in You. Thank You for favor! In Jesus' name, Amen!

P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!

Post Written By: SIS Eboni R.

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