Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Message of Encouragement To The Single and Married #TagTeam SISTERS!!!

Hey SIS!!

Here is an excerpt from a blog post I wrote a few years ago entitled "Top Models For Christ Need Role Models" via (www.savedinstyle.blogspot.com). I wanted to share it to encourage you!

"Ok so, I was thinking back to when I made a serious decision to serve God, get back in church and really live my life the way the BIBLE instructs Christians to live. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy at first but God placed people in my life that were like "spiritual coaches"-pushing me to continue on the path God had for me. When I joined my church, there were ladies that I saw and admired. I admired their love for God, the way they carried themselves and their overall presentation. It made me say "I can do that". When I was in college and living in sin, sometimes I would feel this urge to go to church and get right with God. The problem was that I didn't have any Christian role models in my life who made me say "I can do that". So I figured I would just wait until I was an older adult and done having my "fun". Top Models for Christ need role models. We need Christian role models who set examples for us, who give us wise advise and help push us closer to God. So where can you find these role models???? Well, my best advice is to find a church to attend...there are churches everywhere with role models waiting and eager to mentor you. Ok, so once you find a church...you have to get involved. If you just go to Sunday service and then go straight home, it'll be really hard to build relationships. Start going to church fellowships and join a ministry; this is how I became really close to my role models. It gave me an opportunity to watch how my role models behaved not only in church but at home and out in public. Also, in the world people look up to the NBA players, movie stars and singers that they see on TV. Well, there are Christian singers, actresses and preachers on TV that we can observe. Good, Christian role models can definitely have a positive influence on your Christian walk. Get a role model!!!!"

My own role model is my spiritual mother/mentor....Prophetess Shavarn Smith. When I first met her, I literally said "I want to be just like her when I grow up spiritually!!!" She is anointed, she is a great wife and mother and she is just an EXTRAORDINARY woman of God!!! I listen to her teaching, I take heed to her advise and I watch her walk with Christ. I believe it is because of her mentorship and my obedience to Christ, that the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge was birthed out. I encourage each of you to pray that God will send you a spiritual mentor. They are so valuable!!!! 

As we pray for each of you, Prophestess Smith prays for us and for you as well. If you are in need of a spiritual mentor/role model, she would love to meet you!!! You can visit Redeemed Christian Fellowship located at 11731 Mt. Elliot Detroit, MI 48212 ANYTIME!! You can contact her at http://www.rcfmi.com/web/pageid/33420/pages.asp. Please take a moment to watch the video as Prophetess Smith has a message and prayer for the single and married women of the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge!!!!

P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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