Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 20: Ready or Not

Hey SIS!

It’s Day 20 and that means we are half way to finishing the prayer challenge. I can’t believe it! It’s been such an awesome experience so far as we all learn and grow in God. With each passing day I’m experiencing more revelations—as I’m sure you are too. Over these last 20 days, perhaps God has given you God-ideas, promptings or even dreams.  The question is are you responding to what God is leading you to do?
Today’s scripture is Hebrews 11:8, which says “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.(NIV) Mark Batterson explains that Abraham didn’t know where his final destination would be, but that didn’t stop him from taking the first step in the journey God wanted him to take.

In Genesis 12:1, God pretty much told Abraham “Hey, I want you to leave your hometown, your cousins, uncles, and friends, and go to this place. No worries. I’m going to bless you. You’re going to be famous. I got you.” Do you know what Abraham did? He took his wife and left—plain and simple. Now if that was us, in all honesty most of us would have asked a billion questions. Where are we going? Why there? Will I have a place to stay? Can I say goodbye? What kind of blessings? What are you about to do? Will I be ok? Abraham was not a young guy. He was 75 years old and it’s not like he was rich. Of course he could have been in a better situation. But that didn’t stop him from moving when God said to move. Often we want to be sure of everything before we make His move, but that’s the exact opposite of faith. The dictionary defines faith as a belief in someone or something with no proof.
So, tell me do any of these statements sound familiar?

“As soon as the new year kicks in…”

“Right after I graduate…”

“I need to wait until…”

Now I know I’ve said all of these, plus a few extra. If you’re not sure what these statements are, then I’ll tell you. They are EXCUSES. We, as humans, waste time waiting for the RIGHT time. Let me be the first to tell you…there is no right time. There is only God’s time. Batterson starts this chapter by saying “You’ll never be ready.” Seems kind of harsh right? However, he later explains that we will never be ready to do what God has called us to do because God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
Even though God knows the future, He gives us the “right now.” God allows us to be in the present time, but many times we don’t take action. Instead we are so busy looking at our future, we miss the opportunities right in front of us.  Batterson says “Our failure to act on what we know God is calling us to do not only breeds doubt and discouragement; it’s a form of disobedience.” We must act on the revelation and understanding God has given us.

Ladies, let’s stop looking for proof. Let’s have faith. Trust that even if we are not ready, even if we are not set, we still need to GO when God says move. Batterson says it best: “What’s the first step or next step you need to take in your journey? If you take the first step, God will reveal the second step."

Say This Prayer:


I come to You with understanding that You have not given me a spirit of fear. I thank You for equipping me with the ability to do exactly what You created me to do. Lord, I ask that You continue to help me look beyond my status in this world and focus only on You and how You see me. Thank You for including me in Your plan and I ask for forgiveness for ever doubting that I, Your creation, could live out Your will. I need Your help in turning my mind away from my worldly circumstances. I want to be ready and willing to move when You say so. It is said in Your word that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). I thank You for that strength. I thank You for Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Post written by: SIS Erica

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