Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 21: Set Your Foot

Hey SIS!

Today is Day 21 of the prayer challenge, and I’m so excited for another day of new revelation. I’m filled with hope as I wait to see miracles, signs and wonders happen within my life and to hear about them happening in your life. God can do anything! Each day I’m reminded of how God can do the impossible, and that he gives us Biblical promises we can stand on.

Today’s scripture is Joshua 1:3, which says “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” (NIV) Mark Batterson read this exact promise years ago, and he felt a prompting in his spirit. He says, “As I read this promise given to Joshua, I felt that God wanted me to stake claim to the land He had called us to…” Prior to finding that scripture, Batterson was dreaming about the church God wanted to establish on Capitol Hill. When he heard the scripture, he not only decided to circle it in prayer, but also decided to pray a perimeter all away around Capitol Hill. With a strong determination Batterson completed a 4.7 mile circle around the city. Now 15 years later, Batterson serves as lead pastor of National Community Church, which has seven locations around the metro D.C. area. God truly answered his prayer!

God wants to answer your prayers too! Many times we pray about getting a need filled, or something else but we quit praying before we get an answer. Batterson says “Drawing prayer circles is a metaphor that simply means “praying until God answers.”” He explains that this type of prayer takes determination; it’s an “as long as it takes” approach to prayer. The first step in drawing prayer circles is discerning what God wants and wills. You must value what God values. It’s not about getting what we want—it’s about God being glorified.

When I think back to the longest prayer I prayed, I’m reminded about when I prayed for a job. To be precise it was my first job after graduating college. I graduated in the spring and started searching for a job. Naively, I just knew that I would land a great job soon and start making “good” money. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a job, but God allowed me to find an internship by the fall of that year. I was unpaid staff, but getting some good experience. Despite my efforts to apply for jobs I received nothing. I spent another year, volunteering with a National Community Service Program (AmeriCorps) before receiving my first job offer. During the course of those two years, I prayed and applied for dozens of jobs. When I look back on those 2 years, I realize that God was guiding me every step of the way. During that time, I got so much closer to God. I prayed and kept praying, and finally God answered my prayer. I believe God receives all glory for those years I experienced. Today I can be a witness and tell others how he kept me financially, taught be about humility, and really became so real to me during that time.  I didn’t want to be in a position of not having a job after graduating college, but it wasn’t about my will. It was God’s will and today I’m so grateful for that time of waiting.

Know that God has a plan for your life. Keep drawing prayer circles, and standing on the promises God gives us in the Bible. God will come through someday, so keep believing!

Say This Prayer:


Please forgive me for doubting You. I thank You for the vision and purpose You have for me. I pray that when You give me promptings that I stand on Your word. I will not let my current situation determine my outlook on what’s to come in the future. Give me determination and focus so that I won’t give up and stop praying. I’m going to pray, pray some more, and then pray again. I know You will answer me at just the right time. I pray that You get all the glory for everything that happens in my life. I praise You and thank You in advance for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Post Written By: SIS Chelsea


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