Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 4: Pray Through

Hey SIS!!

Remember our #TagTeam Prayer Line is tomorrow at 5am!!!! We have a new number!

Dial-In Number (760) 569-7171/ Participant Code: 179125783#

I just want to encourage you today. Day 3 proved to be one of the most powerful days of my life. God performed a real life miracle in my best friend's life. Even though it is her testimony, it is my testimony too. She is my best friend and the mother of my godchildren, so I was leaning on God to come through and perform a miracle. He did:) If God doesn't do anything else for me, He has already done enough. Here is her testimony!

The scripture highlighted in Chapter 4 is so fitting; John 9:3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Jesus crossed paths with a man who was born blind. The people inaccurately assumed he was cursed with blindness as a result of sin. They asked, "Who sinned, this man or his parents?" However, Jesus corrected their faulty thinking and said, "This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." If everything in our lives was always perfect, God would not need to demonstrate His power and ability to heal, set free and deliver. Batterson says, "If we're being completely honest, most of our prayers have as their chief objective our own personal comfort rather than God's glory." God loves us and wants to grant us our hearts' desires. However, the ultimate purpose of prayer is that Jesus' name is glorified and He gets honor for what He has done in our lives. That's why sharing our testimony is so important. God often answers our prayers yet we don't tell anyone what He has done. We keep it to ourselves or we don't bother to mention God's significant role when we do talk to others. Every time He answers your prayer, you should make a conscious effort to ensure He gets credit and His name is honored for what He has done. If you do this, I guarantee God will want to keep blessing You over and over again.
Batterson says, "the primary purpose of prayer is not to change circumstances; the primary purpose of prayer is to change us!" In the past, I have become frustrated when it seemed as though God was not answering my prayers. As I grew in God, I developed a better strategy. If God doesn't answer a prayer, I try to evaluate if there is something in my life that is preventing Him from releasing the answer. I work on myself while I wait for God's answer. I'll close with Batterson's powerful statement, "Sometimes we need to pray "get me out" prayers. But sometimes we need to pray "get me through" prayers. And we need the discernment to know when to pray what."
Say This Prayer:
Father, I come before You today just lifting up Your name and giving You honor for who You are. I ask for discernment to know how to pray and what to pray. Lord, I want to come before You with prayers that are in alignment with Your will for my life. If there is anything that I am asking You for that is not in Your will, please reveal it to me. Lord, begin to show me the plans you have for my life so I can pray accordingly. Lord, send people to speak into my life and to serve as Godly mentors as I seek after You. As I study Your Word, help me to understand Your heart and learn Your commands. Lord, I know you are working on me and changing me so that I may be the woman You have called me to be. I thank You for all the prayers You have and will answer. I thank You for all the prayers You didn't and won't answer because I know it is for my own good. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for every time You blessed me and I did not open my mouth and bring honor to Your name. I promise I will always ensure that Your name is glorified for every single thing You do for and through me. I love You God and I bless Your Name. In Jesus Name. AMEN!
Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha


  1. Amen! To God be the glory for that wonderful testimony! I just would like to encourage my sisters in Christ.

    Please listen to this song :

  2. Please copy and paste the link into your browser.

  3. Giving all the glory and honorto God,

    Sisters I have cast my cares on the Lord and he has answered my prayers. I was trusting and believing him for extra cash to pay a bill. My God has showed up right on time because the bill is due tomorrow. The check that I received was the exact amount needed for the bill.You can not tell me God is not good! Praise Break!!!!!!!!!
    He will truly supply all your needs!

    1. Praise God!!!! That is so AWESOME> I love the way God does things so You know it was ONLY Him. He makes His presence known. Ooooohh how I love him. Thanks I'll share your testimony with our SISters!!

    2. AMEN!! He always works it out. Even if we can't see how. Thank you for sharing

  4. Amen Amen AMEN! You soe into God and He will give you EXACTLY what you need...just because!
