Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Hey SIS!!!

God is AMAZING!!! It's just such a honor to know Jesus.

As we progress to Day 3, I pray God has lead you to the area, person, thing or circumstance He wants you to pray about during this 40 day prayer challenge. Remember, the goal is to focus in on that prayer request and pray about it consistently for 40 days.

The scripture highlighted in Chapter 3 is Joshua 3:5 - Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

According to the chapter, consecration is "a complete surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ". It means "to be completely dedicated to God." When we consecrate ourselves, we literally empty out everything we have and hand it over to God. We let go of our own ambitions, desires and plans and surrender them to God.

A lot of us have said "Lord, have your way in my life."  We've assured God, "Lord, you can use me as you see fit."  A thousand times, we've sung William McDowell's song, I Give Myself Away. My question is, do we really mean it????

Not long ago, I was having "one of those days." There was something particular I was believing God for. God had already sent confirmation that He was going to do it for me. My problem was that I wanted God to do it RIGHT NOW. So, I was having a "woe is me" moment. As I laid on the floor crying out to God about what I wanted and when I wanted it; I suddenly felt convicted. God reminded me of a prayer I prayed when I first started living for Christ. I was so in love with God and so passionate about living a consecrated life. I told God that He could have all of me. I told Him that He could do whatever He wanted to do with my life. As I remembered my promise to God, I realized I had relinquished control of my life over to Him. I didn't have a right to question His timing or what He was doing in my life. A promise is a promise. If I promised Him that He could use me however He wanted to, I needed to give Him time to do that. After that revelation, I got off the floor, dusted my shoulders off and started praising Him!

One of my favorite quotes in the chapter is " The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man/woman who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him." If you want to see God do some AMAZING things in your life, dedicate your life to Him. God wants all of your love, all of your heart, all of YOU. When you give your everything to Him, He will give everything to you!!!


Say This Prayer.

Jesus, I love you and I adore You. You are so amazing. Everything about You is great and it is such an honor to come before You today.  Lord, today I dedicate my life to You. I surrender all to You. I relinquish all control so that You may take control of my life. Lord, if I have only given you limited access in the past, I repent. I am now fully available to be used by You. Lord, My confidence is in You. I understand that I cannot do anything on my own. I praise You because You are always with me and will always help me. I thank You that I don't have to fear anything or anyone because You are leading my life and I am covered under Your wings of refuge. Lord, I release all of my fears to you and today I am free to trust you with all of my heart. As I draw closer to you, I ask that You draw closer to me. Teach me how to love You, how to serve You and how to worship You. I thank You for renewing my mind and strengthening my relationship with You. According to Your Word in Matthew 6:33, I know if I seek You and Your righteousness, You will give me everything I need. I thank You in advance for guiding me, protecting me and supplying my every need. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha Sh'Lene


  1. Had a wonderful time last night on the prayer line. I am so excited about this 40 day prayer challenge. I truly believe God is going show himself faithful during this challenge. I'm excited that my relationship with God is going be closer because of this challenge. I can't wait for Thursday to pray with my sisters again. Love you guys!!!
