Monday, January 13, 2014


Hey SIS!!!

After just 2 days of this challenge, women are testifying of how they are experiencing God in powerful ways! It's simply AMAZING.

Our testimonies bring honor to God and they help encourage others to keep seeking God. We know for a fact that every woman who commits to this challenge and pursues God wholeheartedly will be blessed beyond measure. We want to give God credit for what He has done so please share what God has done for you (as God leads you --of course)!!!! If you have a testimony or word of encouragement please share it with us. You can make a video and share it OR you can write it in the comment section of the blog!

Although the enemy tried to cause technical difficulties, God still showed His power!!!Here are a few testimonies about our first night of prayer on the #TagTeam Prayer Line. P.S. The issue should be resolved for #TagTeam Prayer on Thursday (our 5am prayer).


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