Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 2: Guide Our Steps

Hey SIS!

I just wanted to first thank God for all of you who have decided to team with us as we seek for more of God and His righteousness!!! I am sooooo encouraged by how many women have joined with us to pray. I have never seen so many people so excited about prayer. It is AMAZING!!!! You are AMAZING!!!!

God is already showing how GREAT He is!!! God gave us the idea of doing this challenge on January 01, 2014. We didn't use our own logic to plan it, God literally instructed us step by step. In less than 2 weeks, we have over 100 women who have teamed with us as we chase after God. Women from all over the USA, Bahamas and Africa!!! God has already blown our minds just after Day 1 of the challenge. Get ready for an explosive 40 days!!!! 


P.S. Don't forget our #TagTeamPrayer Phone Line is TONIGHT!!!! 9pm Eastern Standard Time

Dial-In Number (760) 569-7171/ Participant Code: 179125783#
(*Due to the number of participants, callers will be on mute*)

The scripture highlighted in Chapter 2 is: Proverbs 16:9- In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. (NIV)
In Chapter 2, Batterson writes "We don't doubt God's ability to keep the planets in orbit, but we  have a difficult time believing He can keep our lives in orbit." We already trust God for the big things. We trust He is going to keep our planet rotating, the sun shining, and give us air to breathe. Why do we have such a hard time believing for things that are small to God? We need to trust God in the same way as it relates to our finances, our health, our family, our future husbands etc.
We need to trust God more. If you really, really, really believe in Him, then you would not worry.
When I first started Saved In Style, I had no desire to be a business owner(AT ALL). I had no idea how to start a business and I had no plan for Saved In Style. God told me to do it and I simply obeyed. He literally gave me step by step instructions and I followed Him because I trusted Him. He told me to start a step team which didn't make any sense because I didn't know how to step. He told me to do a lot of things that didn't make logical sense to me, but I obeyed because I trusted Him. He not only directed my steps but He also sent all the resources right to my doorstep. As a result of me trusting Him and not questioning His plans for me, we are all here praying today. Praise God!!
Don't worry. Don't question God. Submit to Him and Obey. Trust He is going to lead you to your destiny!!!
Say This Prayer:
I love you and I trust you. Your Word in Proverbs 3:5-6 says that I should
 trust You with all of my heart and not depend on my own understanding. I should seek Your will in all I do, and You will show me which path to take. Lord, I submit my thoughts and desires to You. Lord, if I have any thoughts that are contrary to Your thoughts, please remove them. Lord, you supply me with oxygen to breathe each day so I know I can trust You with my life. Before I was formed in my mother's womb, you designed strategic plans for my life. Lord, guide my footsteps and help me fulfill the plans you have for me. Lord, I surrender my own thoughts, desires and concerns to You. In exchange, please reveal Yourself to me and show me the thoughts You have concerning me. Today, I declare that I will no longer worry about anything but instead, I will pray about everything. I know You will take care of those things that concern me. Lord, I trust you and I thank you in advance for answering my prayer. In Jesus Name. AMEN!
Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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