Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 1: READY::SET::PRAY!!!!!

Hey SIS!!!,

So, today is Day 1 of the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge. Hopefully, all of you were able to read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Draw the Circle:The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson!

The scripture highlighted in Chapter 1 is Acts 10:2 He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly. (NIV)

"Who you become is determined by how you pray." With that being said, we challenge you to make a commitment to pray to God regularly! Batterson suggests that we, "make a daily appointment with God by determining a time and a place to pray." We encourage you to do the following throughout the entirety of the prayer challenge.

1. Choose a specific time and place to talk to God each day. Be consistent and try to keep this daily appointment with God. Set an alarm if you need a reminder or find an accountability partner to pray with you.

2. I know some women have told me they really don't know how to pray or don't know what to pray about. Prayer is just having a real conversation with God. Batterson suggests we should, "Pray about what to pray about." During this time, ask God to show you what He desires for your life and to guide your prayers so that you are praying according to His will for your life. Pray about what God wants you to pray about during this 40 day prayer challenge.

3. In the Chapter 1, Batterson encourages us to circle that specific thing that God places on your heart. He says, "Too often we pray for something once and then completely forget about it." During this challenge, pick ,at least,one thing that you are believing God for and pray about it consistently and fervently for 40 days. I would highly recommend writing in a journal daily so you can document your prayers and God's answers.

I will give you an example: In a prayer challenge I previously completed. I prayed for God to reveal Himself to me in supernatural ways. I prayed fervently and consistently for this particular prayer request for 40 days. I used Numbers 12:6-8 to guide my prayers each day. Every morning I woke up at 5:30am ,went straight to the rug on my bedroom floor, got down on my knees and prayed that God would reveal Himself to me like never before. I stayed very focused on this prayer request and God answered me each day.

The woman who you are now will not be the woman who comes out after this 40 day challenge!!!

P.S.!Make sure you remember to use #TagTeamPrayer and #SavedInStyle when posting about the challenge on social media!!!

Here is a prayer for you to say today!


I come before you just thanking you for who You are. I believe in You and I know that nothing is impossible for you. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for anything I may have done to sin against You. I ask forgiveness for times when I have not given you the time or the attention You wanted from me. Today, I surrender myself, my life and my desires to You. I ask that you renew my mind and help me to see things as You see them. I ask that you show me what to pray for so I may pray according to Your will for my life. Lord, I commit to praying regularly to you for the next 40 days and for the rest of my life. I ask that you guide my thoughts and my actions. Lord, help me to grow closer to you during this time and open my ears to hear what You are saying. Lord, remove anything in my life that would try to hinder what You are trying to do in me. Lord, I am available to You, have your way in my life. I thank you in advance for all you have planned for me! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!!!

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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