Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tomorrow Is The Big Day!!!! #TagTeam Prayer

Hey SIS!!!

So we are less than 24 hours away from starting the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge. I am so excited about what God is about to do in each and every one of our lives.

Before we start the challenge, I have listed some details about what will be happening over the next 40 days.

1. Every day we will be posting scriptures, prayers, prayer videos and/or words of encouragement. Be sure to check the blog daily!!!

2. Follow the daily directives in your "Draw The Circle" book. For instance, tomorrow you can read the Introduction and the chapter titled Day 1:Get Ready. Then on day 2 of the challenge, proceed to chapter 2, titled Day 2: Established By God. As your blessings start flowing in and God begins to move in your life, you will get really excited and want to finish the entire book!! However, please try not to read ahead:) We want to get everything God has for us each day (our daily bread).

3. Try to read at least 3 to 4 chapters of , The Circle Maker, each week. You can read this book at your own pace!

4. Call into our #TagTeam Prayer Challenge with Saved In Style prayer line on Mondays at 9pm and Thursday at 5am (Eastern Standard Time). The ladies of Saved In Style pray together regularly, we will be opening our prayer time to pray for all of you collectively. The phone prayer will begin the week of 01/12/13 and will occur throughout the entirety of the challenge. The number to dial:

Dial-In Number (760) 569-7171/ Participant Code: 179125783#

5. We encourage you to get a journal and write in it daily. Write love letters to Jesus. Write down your prayer requests and document the dates your prayers are answered. Keep a record of your testimonies!!!

My journal from when I first started the challenge July 2013.
6. Be sure to talk to God everyday!!!

Philippians 4:6 (Amplified)

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

 #TagTeamPrayer #SavedInStyle


Post written by: SIS De'Nisha

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