Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meet Your #TagTeam "SIS"ters

Hey SIS!

The ladies of Saved In Style are so excited about joining with you in the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge. We started praying together collectively and immediately began to experience God move powerfully in all of our lives!!! Every time we complete a prayer challenge, we challenge ourselves to pray more. We just can't stop praying!!!! God has literally blown our minds since we began praying together and we know He is going to do the same for you! We are your SISters and we are dedicated to praying for you to experience God and see miracles, signs and wonders happen in your own lives. We love you and we are here to support, encourage and run with you as we all chase God!!!! #TagTeam

Two times a week, we will be opening our prayer time to you via the #TagTeam Prayer Line. All of us are at different stages in our walk with God but one common fact is that we all love us some Jesus!! We start our day with the goal of doing whatever it takes to make God smile. We know that you joining with us in prayer is going to really please God and that is why we are so excited!!!

Meet Your #TagTeam "SIS"ters

SIS De'Nisha Sh'Lene
In a dream, God spoke to me and said "Pray like you've never prayed before." I obeyed and I began to  experience God like never before. If you truly show God you want it, He will surely show you that He's got it. I encourage you to pray like you've never prayed before! I'm praying for each and every one of you! #TagTeam
SIS Lesley
Welcome to the SIS Prayer Challenge and I am so excited to see what God plans to do for you and through you as a result of the time spent with Him in prayer over the next 40 days. When God challenged me to sow this book into the lives of those I wanted to see blessed after I read the book and completed the challenge last summer, I never imagined that small seed taking root and blossoming into something so great. The response to this Prayer Challenge alone is proof that when you quiet yourself and truly seek God's plans and direction in prayer, supernatural results are sure to follow! This book changed my life and took my faith and prayer life to another level so I expect nothing but God's best for each one of you. Let's get ready to pray some circles!

SIS Ebony

Hi SISters, I'm very excited for everyone who has taken a leap of faith and committed to this prayer challenge. Keep in mind its more than just a "40 day" challenge. We must learn as much as we can during these 40 days so that we can cultivate a prosperous lifestyle. Let's run this race together!! Remember Galations 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not" See ya at the finish line! Whoop!!
 SIS Eboni
Hello Beautiful SISters! 
I'm so excited you decided to join us on this journey. I'm even more excited for the shift that's about to happen in each and every one of your lives! Amazing things have been taking place and we just couldn't keep it to ourselves. Stick it out to the very end,and experience growth like never before. Let's Go!!!
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness,  and all these thing will be added unto you"
-Matthew 6:33
SIS Chelsea
This is one of my favorite scriptures: “A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:7b-9 
After hearing that scripture I realized that God saw me, and cared for me unconditionally. He had a greater plan in store for my life and wanted me to follow him. I encourage you not to grow tired in pressing towards God; He loves and cares for you and knows just where you are at.

SIS Leigh

Hello Ladies!!! To encourage someone means to give them I will go beyond that. If you wholeheartedly come to God exactly as you are during this 40 day prayer challenge I can GUARANTEE something great inside you will be forever changed!  XOXO ~Keep Striving~
SIS Erica
"Praying with my sisters has given me so much peace, enthusiasm and confidence in knowing I can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13) Surrendering all is not always an easy journey, but I promise it's worth it and I know you can do it. Basketball, soccer, and even laser tag stresses the advantage of teamwork. Why should prayer be any different? We gotcha back ;) Love you sis."
SIS Lauren

1 Corinthians 15:58(NIV) Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Ladies, be encouraged during this time of prayer. Your sacrifices and prayers won't be in vain. God bless.     P.S. I look forward to meeting you and praying with you
SIS Chantele
"Get ready to pray more effective prayers, experience God and see him move like never before. These 40 days will be the best 40 a days of your life. You will not want the book to end.
Ready. Set. Pray!"
#TagTeamPrayer #SavedInStyle

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