Monday, January 6, 2014

#TagTeam Prayer Challenge

Hey SIS!!!

We are so excited about the start of our TagTeam Prayer Challenge on January 12, 2014!!!! The ladies of Saved In Style have been tag-teaming in prayer as we chase after God. While running after God, we have strengthened our relationship with Him and have encountered so many blessings. We want other ladies to join us in this life changing experience!!!!We know (for a fact) that God is going to do something great in the lives of every single person who participates!!

Deuteronomy 32:30 declares, "One can chase a thousand, and two can put ten thousand to flight." We have learned that there is something very powerful about women coming together to pray and pursue God. God loves it and we love making God smile!!!! According to His Word, God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). As we seek God during this prayer challenge, we are expecting each and every lady to have multiple testimonies of their growth in God and the release of unexpected blessings and miracles. I hope YOU are ready because we are ready to go!!!!!!

So here is what you do!

1. Purchase Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson and The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. If you are unable to purchase both, we recommend you start with Draw the Circle. For those who are unable to purchase either book, we will be posting scriptures and prayers on this blog daily that correspond to the book so no worries! We will be praying collectively via phone two times per week. We will give more details about the Prayer Line at a later time.

2. Go to and click the Join The Prayer Challenge link. It will lead you to the #TagTeam Prayer blog.

3. Follow The Blog by clicking Join This Site. The link is on the upper right corner of the blog.>>>>

4. Invite Your Friends and Family. Tag someone else and team with them in prayer. There is power in numbers!!!! Once you follow the blog, you will be able to invite others via email.

5. Share the blog via email or any form of social media. Post it on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.!!!! Be sure to use the tag( #TagTeamPrayer #SavedInStyle).

6. Watch the video below and share it!

7. Get excited!!!! God is about to do something GREAT in your life!!!

Tag, It's Your Turn To Experience The Blessings of God!!!!!


 #TagTeamPrayer #SavedInStyle

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