Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hey SIS!!!!

Soooooooooo..... God called Saved In Style to stop all operations and enter into a season of prayer. The ladies of Saved In Style have been praying like we've never prayed before and God has been blessing us like never before. Initially, we started with a 31 day prayer challenge. When it ended, we just couldn't stop so we continued adding more challenges. We have soooooooo many supernatural testimonies and have grown so much in the last few months. It's just not fair for us to keep it to ourselves so we are opening our next prayer challenge to any lady who would like to join us!!! We are finalizing the details but we will post prayers daily and do a weekly prayer together via phone. We plan to start the week of Jan. 12. I would highly recommend that you purchase the books listed below. You can find them on Amazon. If you can't get both, Draw The Circle would be my first recommendation. Let me know if you are interested so I can keep you posted with the details to follow. It's going to be life changing!!!! Spread the word!!


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