Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 6: Greater Thoughts

Hey SIS!!!

I would just like to remind you..............God can do ANYTHING!!!! Before we started this challenge, God showed me in a dream that He was about to reveal Himself in such a way that people would have no choice but to believe in Him. He is doing it and everyone who participates in this challenge and endures to the end will be witnesses!!!!!
I absolutely love this quote from Chapter 6
The scripture highlighted in Chapter 6 is Luke 11:8- I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.

Anyone who knows me can tell you that my faith level is always on HIGH. I am usually the one who thinks "out the box." Which is why I was really surprised when God told me, in prayer, that I needed to think "greater thoughts". After reading the Circle Maker for the first time, I realized I was not thinking the way God wanted me to think. God told me that He was trying to birth something out of me, but my mind was not open enough to receive it.  When God showed me this, I began researching spiritual birthing. I came across a very insightful online article from Charisma Magazine about spiritual birthing. The following statement really helped me in my own birthing process. "A third birthing problem occurs during passage when the mother's pelvis is too small. Fear can cause a women not to relax enough for her body to make the necessary changes.  In the spiritual realm, fear may come upon believers with a vision, causing them to delay too long. This is why unity is so important—it allows us to encourage one another in the process of bringing forth God's plan."

God showed me that my mind was too small to deliver the huge baby (blessing) He wanted to give me. I had to pray for weeks and weeks that God would open my mind so I could receive the great things He had in store for me! I encourage You to pray that God would open your mind even more. I will warn you, it can get uncomfortable. When God stretches us, it does not always feel good but He is opening us up so we can bring forth what He has put inside of us!!!

I love this quote from Batterson, "Why do we mistakenly think that God is offended by our prayers for the impossible? The truth is that God is offended by anything less! God is offended when we ask Him to do things we can do ourselves. It's the impossible prayers that honor God because they reveal our faith and allow God to reveal His glory."

Batterson says, "Having vision beyond your resources is synonymous with dreaming big." I encourage all of You to make a faith board at some point during this challenge. Challenge yourself to think greater thoughts and pray for what seems impossible to man. Your faith boards should demonstrate how GREAT God is and the GREAT plans He has for you.

                                                                    My 2014 Faith Board

Say This Prayer:


You are so great. You are so powerful and You can do anything. Lord, Your word in Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Today I call to you and I know You will answer me. I ask that You show me great and mighty things, which I have never seen before. Lord, help me to remove the limits I may have put on You. I come against anything that would hinder the move of God in my life. Lord, help me to think like You. I ask for you to open me, stretch me and prepare me to birth out the great things You have placed inside of me. Lord, give me strength to endure to the end. Lord, help me to press past the heartache, the fatigue, the loneliness, the depression, and anything the enemy may use to keep me from You. Lord, without faith it is impossible to please You according to Your word in Hebrews 11:6. I cancel all doubt and unbelief that I may have regarding You and Your word. Lord, I believe You are all powerful and You can do anything. I come to You with expectancy, knowing that You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that I can ask or think. I trust You Jesus and I thank You in advance for all the great things You are about to do in my life. In Jesus Name. AMEN!

Batterson says, "God won't answer 100 percent of the prayers we don't pray." Today I encourage you to pray like you've never prayed before. Go Get it!!!!!!!!!

Link to online article on spiritual birthing:

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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