Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 7: Faith In Action

Hey SIS!!

God has confirmed His presence in so many of our lives since the start of this prayer challenge. Remember what Batterson said in chapter 5, "God doesn't answer prayer just to give us what we want; God answers prayer to bring glory to His name." When God answers your prayer, make sure you give God the honor He deserves. Thank Him for it, praise Him and tell others about what He has done!!! Periodically, we will be posting testimonies on the blog. If you have a testimony you want to share, please tell a member of Saved In Style, post it to the comment section of the blog or email it to I'm excited to hear all that God is doing. Please don't sit on your testimony, give God the credit He deserves!!!
The scripture highlighted in Chapter 7 is Mark 16:20-Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Prior to this prayer challenge, the ladies of Saved In Style completed an 18 day prayer challenge based on the above scripture. We prayed that we would begin to see God confirm His word through miracles, signs and wonders. I believe this prayer challenge is an answer to those prayers. God is answering our prayers through each and every one of you!

Batterson says, "God is honored when we act as if He is going to answer our prayers." When you pray, do you really believe with all your heart that God is going to answer? For instance, if you are praying for a husband, what are you doing in the meantime to prepare for your husband? You definitely should be praying for your future husband daily. Perhaps, you could start reading Christian books about being a godly wife. You could also start trying new recipes to cook for the man of God you are praying for. By doing this, you are showing God that you believe He is going to do it and you are preparing for His answer. If you are praying for God to bless you with a new house, what are you doing to prepare for it? While waiting for God to answer, you could be working to improve your credit score or saving extra money. You could begin purchasing items for the house, by faith. You could begin packing up things in your old residence so you will be ready to move when God blesses you. I'm not telling you what to do,  I am just giving you examples of faith in action. What you choose to do will be according to your faith. As Batterson says, "We can pray until our knees are numb, but if our praying isn't accompanies by acting, then we won't get anywhere." I was laying in bed one day and God gave me this: "If you show God you want it, He will show you that He's got it."
When I was just a new Christian, God sent men/women of God to tell me that I was called to minister to His people. I believed the Word of God but I thought it wouldn't happen until I was much older. While waiting for God's Word to manifest, I began to study the Word of God. I took classes in our School Of Ministry at church. Last year, I enrolled in school for Theology. I did all of this so I could prepare and have an accurate understanding of the Word of God for the time when I would minister. Not only did I believe the Word that was prophesied to me, I put some action on it.
Batterson says, "If it's not in the will of God, if it's not for the glory of God, it's a waste of time." In the beginning of the challenge, we encouraged everyone to "pray about what to pray about." Sometimes we pray for things that are not in the will of God. We want God to give us something that He doesn't want us to have. That is putting God in an unfair predicament. God loves you and wants to answer your prayers, but He will not give you something that is not good for you. You may pray for something that is "ok" ,when God wants to give you His very best. I can remember praying for certain relationships to work out. At the time, I really thought I was in love and wanted to be with that person forever. I thought it was my heart's desire but God knows my heart better than I do. He already designed your future and it is greater than anything you could even think of. So, it is very important that our prayers are lined up with His plan for our lives. Otherwise, we are praying against God which is a waste of time!
During a Wednesday night service, my pastor prophesied that he saw me signing a big contract and I had on a navy blue suit. So what did I do??? I received the Word from God and I acted on it. I immediately went to the mall and purchased a navy blue suit. "Don't just pray about your dream, act on it."
Say This Prayer:
I come before You in humility. I submit to You and Your plans for my life. Lord, I understand that You know me better than I know myself. Before I was formed in my mother's womb, you had plans for my life. God, please guide my footsteps and lead me to where You want me to be. Lord, if I have asked You for anything that is not in Your will for my life, please reveal it to me. I surrender my desires to You. Lord, let Your desires be my desires. I want what You want for me. Reveal to me what you want me to do, where you want me to go and what you want me to say. Lord, I trust you with my life and I relinquish control so that You may have Your way. According to 2 Corinthians 5:7,  I need to live by faith and not by sight. Lord, if there is any area where I doubt, please increase my faith. According to Your Word in James 2:17, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Lord, I will begin to act on my faith. Lord, guard my ears from the voice of the enemy who will try to whisper lies to make me doubt Your Word and Your promises for my life. I believe you and from this day forward I will act like it. I trust You, I believe in You and I love You. In Jesus Name. Amen!
Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha Sh'Lene



  1. This is such a confirmation. I had to lead a bible study for my sisterhood and I asked God to pray for. He gave me James 2. This is the second time that I'm seeing this. I know that I have to put these things into action. I have to apply to these schools because I was told more schooling in my future. I have to step out and not hold back. Thank you God for using this women of God. Bless her now. I am so grateful for this again.

    1. Praise God!!!! God is speaking and all we have to do is listen and obey!

    2. My pastor has told me that I will be ministry to the youth and using my voice to sing. The other night while I was practicing on my solo for this coming Sunday God placed a song on my heart.So, I immediately wrote it down and began to sing it and put a beat to it. The next day I ask a family member and coworkers have they heard this song before and I began to sing it and they said no. So ,I know that God gave that song for me to sing. So, this Sunday I will open up with praise and worship with the song. Thank you Lord for using me and walking me into my purpose. All the glory goes to him!

  2. I read this book last year. I started August 5th and I stopped on August 30th Day 26.... I've had crohns disease for 13 years and when I went for my biopsy (the beginning of September) they saw no evidence or signs of it. (I'VE NEVER HAD A BIOPSY AND MY CROHNS WAS NOT VISIBLE) I tell people there's power in the tongue. Other things took place but that's my testimony that I wanted to share with everyone. Because you have to pray over yourself and don't let the enemy steal your joy because Gods got it!
