Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 23: Not Now

Hey SIS!

Have you ever desired something so much and expected God to do it for you right then and there?  Have you ever sought to accomplish goals according to your plans?  I have been guilty of both.  Sometimes it’s hard to wait on the things you want in life, and it’s even harder when God has said no or not yet.

 Today’s scripture is from Acts 1:4, which says “On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.” Batterson explains the meaning of this verse. He tells us that the disciples were instructed by Jesus not to immediately embark on their mission in the world, but to wait for the Holy Spirit. He says, “They didn’t try to get ahead of God.” The disciples did just what they were suppose to do, and gathered in the upper room, prayed for 10 days, and waited on the Holy Spirit.

So often I have found it challenging to wait on God.  I have wanted things that God did not want me to have at the time.  For instance, I used to think that by age 25, I would be married, finishing law school and working on my first child.  Here I am 26-years-old, I have accomplished none of these things and no longer have a desire to attend law school anytime soon.  God did not say “No” to me getting married, going to law school or having children; He simply said, “Not now, Lauren.  I have other plans for you.” 

Similarly, Batterson and his wife learned that “When God says no to a prayer, it doesn’t always mean no; sometimes it means not yet. It’s the right request but the wrong time.” Years ago, Batterson and his wife looked for a house. They thought they found the perfect home, so they made an offer on it. However, the seller turned it down. One year later his wife brought up the house in conversation, wondering if they had missed out on buying the house. The next morning a “for sale” sign went up in the yard of the exact home they were just talking about. Once again they made the same offer on the house, and the offer was accepted. Batterson said they made “another prayer fleece”—meaning if God wanted them to have the house the offer would be accepted. This experience taught Batterson that “sometimes we have to be willing to give something up to God in order to get it back from God.” God doesn’t want us to place more value on the blessings we seek, than on God himself.

 During times of waiting we must pray.  Batterson says, “Prayer will sanctify our waiting.” This means that though prayer we can become more pure, connected to God, and filled with expectancy. Rest assured that we may not have reached goals or obtained things we ask God for, but it will happen in God’s time if it is in His plans.  And when it occurs, we will be prepared to be good stewards of what he has given to us. It will be mind-blowing! It will be more than we can fathom. God will come through for us in ways we hadn’t expected.  As the saying goes, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’s an on time God!”

Say this prayer:


You are everything I need and I put my complete trust You. Your timing is perfect so please give me patience while I wait. Lord, I hold on to Your promise in Jeremiah 29:11, which says “For I know the plans I have for you, “ declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I pray that I refrain from acting prematurely and avoid hindering myself from receiving Your full blessings.  Lord please remove anything that is unlike You from my life. Let Your Holy Spirit be my guide and comforter during the waiting period.  In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen.

Post Written By: SIS Lauren



  1. School has been a battle. When your focused on doing something positive Look for some adversity to come your way. God's Working on my behalf

  2. I truely thank God for all my sisters. This 40 day commitment has brought us closer and new bonds,friendships. Helping one another not judging. Healing can begin
