Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 24: Hearing God's Voice

Hey SIS!!!!
Don't forget TONIGHT at 9pm (EST)!!! The Ladies of Saved In Style will have our very own spiritual mentor (Prophetess Shavarn Smith) as a special guest on the #TagTeam Prayer Line. I pinky promise you don't want to miss it!!! I'm soooooo excited, I've learned so much from her and she is ready to pour into YOU!!!! #TagTeamPrayer #SavedInStyle
 Dial In: 760-569-7171 / Participant Code:179125783#
Check Out Our Video Blog For Day 24: Hearing God's Voice 


Say This Prayer:


I come seeking after You and Your righteousness. I want to know You more. I want to have undeniable experiences with You. I need You in my life and I need You to direct my life. Lord, I want You to be more real to me than anything I can see or feel. As I draw closer to You, I ask that You draw closer to me according to Your Word in James 4:8. Lord, if there is anything in my life that is hardening my ability to hear You, I ask that You remove it. Lord, open my ears to hear Your voice. Lord, as I read my Bible, speak to me through Your Word. I ask that You reveal Yourself to me. Lord, I will listen and obey You when you speak to me. Lord, I will do whatever it takes to hear Your voice whether it be removing negative people from my life, reading the Bible more or fasting weekly. I want to hear You. I need to hear You. I ask for forgiveness for all the times You tried to speak to me and I did not listen. Today, I am ready to hear from You and I will obey Your voice. In Jesus' Name Amen.

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

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