Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 25: A Prophetic Voice

Hey SIS!
Hopefully you all were able to call in last night to hear SIS’s spiritual mentor, Prophetess Shavarn Smith, minister to our spirits on inner healing. She provided an absolutely phenomenal teaching that gave insight and definition to many blurred areas of the healing process! If you missed her on last night, don't worry! She will be present at the #TagTeam Prayer Finale on Friday, February 21st at 7pm. Bring a friend and Register Here ASAP:
 It’s Day 25 of our Challenge and we are SO very close to the Finish Line! God has really been showing up during this challenge especially on these last two weeks! This week has especially been deemed a week of Release! A release of a deeper relationship with Him, deeper understanding of His word over your life; release of various soul ties, finances, self-esteem, forgiveness, jobs opportunities, etc. You name it, then claim it and if it’s in God’s will then you need to be open to receive whatever it may be on this week! You never know what God has in store; he is ALWAYS on time SIS! :)

The abbreviated passage on today is based on Numbers 11:29, which says “I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets.” Moses, who was a prophet of God, said this when Joshua came to him protesting against individuals who were prophesying to the people. What Joshua did not understand, and what I didn't even understand until recently, is that God may not have given you the spiritual position of being a prophet but He gave us all the capabilities to prophesy and see what God sees in the spiritual. To go further Batterson says, “Prayer isn't just the way we cultivate our own potential; prayer is the way we recognize the potential in others.” That is how we prophesy. How many of us had a grandparent or an aunt or uncle who spoke to our potential even as a child? Or a school teacher that saw the great in you no matter how many ways you were acting out? Or a parent that boldly spoke “I refuse to let you just get by, you WILL be better than me!” That was people prophesying into our lives and we didn't even know it. They were simply speaking life into our potential and giving our future a “voice.”
 Batterson notes through prayer “We are given supernatural insight.” This reminds me when I went up for personal prayer at a church I was new to. It was a large congregation and I knew no one there, but God prompted me to head to the altar and seek a prophetic insight that would help me understand my “purpose.” I remember standing in line asking God which person should I request prayer from, and He told me “Anyone.” So it was my turn. I went and told the person what I needed prayer on and as soon as the man began praying he started speaking EXACTLY what God had been showing me through my own prayer time.

This stranger confirmed exactly what God had already showed me and how God would use me in the future. I was speechless—in awe at the power of God to be able to speak through people in such a direct and bold way. The Lord is just so Amazing! He knew I needed confirmation and “God used them to speak the right word at the right time. God gets all the glory for everything He does in us and through us, but there are people along that way who get some credit as well.” So I thank God for that man who probably didn’t even realize how his simple prayer strengthened my relationship with God and helped put me on the road to my destiny!
 After all of this you still may say: SIS Leigh, I still do not see myself being able to prophesy? Then my question would be: Are you a parent, a wife, a friend, a coworker, or even a daughter? Well SIS if you answered “yes” to any of those then you have more than likely been speaking prophetically into people’s lives and not even know it. Every uplifting and encouraging word, every time you speak of their future and give inspirational words to “not give up” when you see they could make it, you are prophesying. As Batterson notes whether you are speaking to one person or many “Your words have the potential to change lives by helping people discover their identity and destiny in Jesus Christ” because the “right word spoken at the right time can make an eternal difference.” So I encourage each and every one of you to move forth with boldness in your prayer life because you never know when God might give you the prophetic insight to change the course of someone else’s Destiny! :)


Say this prayer with me:

Lord Your works are a mystery to me. Just thinking about the times throughout my life when You sent prophetic messages through people who spoke life to my future. You are priceless. And yes, there were many times when the devil tried to send his messages to discourage and knock me off path but I thank You Lord that I am here now. I survived by those small seeds of life planted by people who seen my spiritual potential. Even if they didn't realize what they were doing or saying at that time, I thank You Lord that You knew exactly what You were doing. I am grateful.  You knew exactly what I needed. You knew I would be at this moment right now giving You Praise. So now I ask You Lord as I continue my prayer commitment that You would speak to me Lord. Give me a prophetic voice to not only shed light into my destiny but to others destiny as well. Even if it’s just one person, I want to be impactful Lord. Speak to my heart. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN!
Post Written By: SIS Leigh

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