Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 26: Game With Minutes

Hey SIS!

It’s hard to feel close to someone when you never spend time with them. You don’t know their personality, what they like and dislike, or even what they believe. This same scenario is true for our relationship with God. We need to invest our time in getting to know him. God is always with us. God is communicating with us.  But the question remains: How often are we with Him? Are we talking to him through prayer?

Today’s key scripture is from 1 Thessalonians 5:17, which says “pray without ceasing.” Batterson says that “The key to praying without ceasing is turning everything into a prayer.” You can pray throughout your entire day—talking with God and allowing him to be involved in every aspect of your life. You can pray when you’re driving in the car, on your job, when doing household chores, and at any other time during the day. Batterson explains that “God wants a day-by-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute relationship with you.” When you press into God, spend time with him, and stay in contact with him during the day things begin to change. What once felt like a distant relationship becomes meaningful as God begins to do something new in your life.
I remember a time when I was so afraid to talk in front of a large group. I didn’t like the idea of being afraid to do something. I began praying to God and reading scriptures about fear. In my prayers I spoke against the fear, and declared that I could speak in front of a crowd. Shortly after I started praying, God opened the door for me to work in a position where I had to make public presentations. When it was time to do those presentations I was nervous, my mouth got dry and my stomach was in knots! I can remember praying in the morning, praying as I drove to work, praying while at work, praying as I drove to the site to do the presentation. Of course, you know, I prayed right before the presentation! I look back on that time of my life and smile. God was teaching me a lesson about praying without ceasing. Today it’s so natural for me to pray throughout my entire day. As I drive to work, at my office, in the house while I’m doing chores—literally everywhere! Praying to God whenever wherever has drawn me closer to him.
Batterson says “God is only a prayer away.” The good news is that God wants to hear our individual unique prayers. The way you pray doesn’t have to sound like the way I pray. The “best prayer is a well-lived life, day in and out.” Batterson suggests we can turn our prayer life into a game. We can pray in different ways—kneeling or standing—we can give up pleasures (i.e. fasting)—from TV, certain foods—and it with prayer. God wants to reveal himself to you! It’s not just during these 40 days, but it’s from this time forward.

Say this prayer:


Thank you for revealing yourself to me. I appreciate getting to know You, and believe that You are always with me. I want to continue to enter into Your presence daily through prayer. As I go through my day, I want to hear your voice leading and guiding me. Show me what I can sacrifice in order to grow closer in You and gain a new perspective. Lord, You are so amazing and worthy to be praised! Please give me strength to release my will, and let my desires align with Your will. Thank you for accepting my prayer. In Jesus’ Name Amen.   

Post Written By: SIS Chelsea

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