Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 27: Double Circle

There have been times in my life where I desperately needed to hear a word from God. I was experiencing a challenging situation, at a crossroads within a relationship, or desired information about direction for my life. Many times I have questions that no one can possibly answer—only God. The good news is that when faced with these dilemmas we can go to God in prayer. Often when we need that answer, in addition to praying, we can fast in order to press more into God.  

Today’s scripture is from Matthew 17:21, which says “This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” (KJV). Batterson describes fasting as a “hyperprayer.” It allows us to double circle our prayer by guiding us further into the presence of God. Fasting “gives us more power to pray because it’s an exercise in willpower.” You are becoming stronger through spiritual discipline and this enables you to become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Fasting can clear your mind and settle your spirit. The action of fasting involves giving up something for a specific time period for a specific reason.  The purpose of the fast can be for an emotional breakthrough, discernment to make a decision, favor, or seeking God. Batterson says “We can fast to dedicate something to God—a new year, new job, or a new business.” The things you give up during the fast can vary for example TV, social media, certain foods and deserts.

In my journey with God, I have only recently discovered the power in fasting. Prior to starting this 40 day prayer challenge, the ladies of Saved In Style participated in a 10 day challenge. Those 10 days were so precious and special to me. During the 10 days, all the ladies individually fasted from something. Specifically, I decided to fast from TV. I know God led me to do it because if anyone knows me I really like watching TV! I had only fasted limitedly before, and never fasted from something that I enjoyed so much. But I knew those 10 days were significant, and I was looking for God to reveal himself and answer some lingering questions. It was hard the first few days, but once I started going through my days without TV I could spend more time praying, meditating on God’s word, and just listening. During that time God gave me dreams, and started answering so many of my questions. When the fast ended, I went back to watching TV. But here’s the thing: my TV viewing isn’t as pleasurable now. I’m not drawn in as much as I use to be. God really did change my perspective, and I realize now that my time was being held captive and now it’s released.

Batterson says “fasting helps us break bad habits and build good habits.” Through fasting we can enter into quiet, and begin to actually “get rid of the white noise in our lives.” We can hear God more clearly. I encourage you to consider double circling your prayers: pray and fast. As we get closer to the #TagTeamPrayer Finale (click here to register), consider fasting from something as you continue to circle your prayers. Let’s show God how committed we are to seeking him. 

Say this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for hearing my prayer. Lord, I love You and want to show my dedication to You by fasting. Tell me what I need to give up for a time period, so that I can hear You more clearly. I am so thankful for this revelation; I know that my efforts to press into You gives you pleasure. Lord, once You show me the habits I need to break, help me to circle it in prayer and fast for my breakthrough. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Post Written by: SIS Chelsea

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post Chelsea! Thank you for being transparent!
