Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 30: Abide and Beyond

Hey SIS!

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Today’s focus scripture is John 15:7, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” (NKJV)
Batterson starts to explain that “one of the surest ways to get into the presence of God is to get into the word of God…But it requires more than a casual reading. In fact, the Bible wasn’t meant to be read. It was meant to be memorized and meditated on. It was meant to be prayed and practiced.”

So what’s the difference between reading and abiding? Well, the word “read” means to learn from reading, discuss, deliberate, arrange and—are you ready for the big one—to consider. I’m not sure about you, but I want to do way more than just consider the Bible. This leads us to the definition of abiding. The word abide has many different meanings and interpretations. The dictionary defines it as the act of complying, accepting and the action of waiting. Batterson also gives a few definitions:

To stay overnight- The book referenced how Jesus prayed well into the night right before his crucifixion. Batterson says, “If we linger in God’s presence, God’s presence will linger on us. He loves when we make an effort. Just how a teacher offers extra points when we go above and beyond in school, the more we put in with God, the more he gives out. 

To hold fast- Stand firm on the Word of God. The devil will always try to knock us down. But God has made many promises to keep and protect us.

To stand still- Now standing still is NOT the same as doing nothing. Standing still means not taking it upon yourself to call your OWN course of action. It’s trusting the Lord will provide a way. Batterson talks about how Moses and the Israelites came to a “dead end” at the Red Sea with the Egyptian army hot on their heels. God said to Moses “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.” (Ex. 14:13) And he made a way. So when you face a problem that starts to become overwhelming and you are tempted to panic, that is the perfect time to stand still.

To be moved- SIS De’Nisha recently spoke of a dream. She explained that she was listening to a song and even though she couldn’t recall the words, she remembered that the start of each line was “you gotta do---“, “you gotta---“. Even without every detail, she knew that God was placing on her heart to TAKE ACTION. That’s exactly what it means to be moved. The Word of God gets in our spirit and gets us fired up and ready for combat in a spiritual war.

To tarry- Tarry means to delay, stay or linger in expectation. This is what Jesus told His disciple to do after his resurrection. Take note and do as they did. Study the scriptures. Pray heavily and consistently. Dive into the Word so that you’re able to pass it on to a non-believer without having to scroll through your bible app.

With His help, you CAN do this!

Say this prayer:

Dear Father God,

I ask that You help me become more disciplined. Help me to turn off the T.V. and open your Word. Replace the song lyrics in my mind with Your promises. Help me to die to myself and trust that You have a better plan than I. I want to stand still. I surrender my playbook and I am fully ready to cooperate and follow YOUR plan. I am ready to be moved, Lord. I am ready to live in Your presence all the days of my life. I thank You Lord and I love you.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Post Written By: SIS Erica

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