Monday, February 10, 2014

Confessions Of A Saved Girl:::Post-Abortion Healing

Hey SIS,

Hey SIS!

Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!!

Also, be sure to call into the #TagTeam Prayer Line 02/11/14 to hear teaching and prayer on post-abortion healing. Women have the special ability to carry and nurture seed—both spiritual and natural. Satan hates this life-giving attribute because it directly thwarts his primary purpose, which is to steal, kill and destroy. Thus, women are under const...ant attack as he attempts to abort our seed. On Tuesday February 11th, we will expose Satan’s abortion strategy (both natural and spiritual), its effects, and God’s unfailing love, forgiveness and restoration. Even if you have never aborted, this session will help equip you to counsel someone in danger of aborting and to be an instrument of God’s grace and MERCY - with teaching and prayer from special guest Evangelist Lydia Clarke!!! You don't want to miss this. Spread the Word and Share the flyer!
Dial In: 760-569-7171 Participant Code:179125783#


A few testimonies of God's love, healing and forgiveness from some of the ladies of Saved In Style who experienced abortions.

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