Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 31: Spell It Out

Hey SIS!

Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tagteam-prayer-finale-tickets-10387211429 Also, be sure to call into the #TagTeam Prayer Line TODAY (02/11/14 ) at 9 pm to hear teaching and prayer on post-abortion healing.

Today's chapter for Day 31 presents this question: "What do you want me to do for you?" (Matthew 20:32)

Can you believe that God wants you to spell out everything that you want him to do for you in detail? This is what Mark Batterson talks about in today's reading. It's not that Jesus doesn't  already know what you want, it's because He wants to make sure that YOU know what you want. This may sound foreign to some, but it's exactly what He wants you to do.

So let me ask you...

What are you believing God for?

What are you expecting Him to do at the end of this 40 day prayer challenge? At the end of this month? Or at the end of this year?

If God came down right now and asked you what you wanted, would you know right then and there ,or would you need time to think about it. Batterson stated that many of us have no idea what we want God to do for us, and then we wonder why it seems like God isn't doing anything for us. Most of us don't get what we want simply because we don't know or we don't ask. It says in James 4:3 “Yet, you don't have what you want because you don't ask.” First, you have to know what you want then you have to ask. And when you ask, ask with boldness, not because you call the shots and tell God what to do but because God likes it when we pray bold prayers—he wants us to be specific! God said to write it down and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2), so do just that.

On this very day (Day 31) when I was doing the prayer challenge for the first time, I pulled out my prayer journal and pen and began to write. I wrote in detail EVERYTHING that I wanted God to do for me personally, my marriage, my children, my business etc. I wrote down every single thing that I wanted God to do and after that I prayed over it. Some things have already began to come to pass and some things I'm still praying and believing God for, but the most important thing is having it written down. Batterson said, "Well-defined prayers give God an opportunity to display His power in new ways. Well-developed faith results in well-defined prayers and well-defined prayers result in well-defined answers."

Although, God IS a mind reader....He knows your dreams, your desires, and aspirations but He wants you to SPELL IT OUT!

If you haven't already, I challenge you to take some time throughout the course of this day and begin to write out in detail what you want God to do in your life. After you write it out, begin to circle each one in prayer daily and add in scripture references to back it up and confirm what He already promised you.

Define your dream. Claim your promise. Spell your miracle.
Here is my journal entry for Day 31 the first time I did the prayer challenge!

Say this prayer:

Lord, I come before You as boldly as I know how, thanking You for who You are and who You are in me. Thank You for elevating my mind and helping me to dream big and pray big prayers because I know I serve an even bigger God. Lord, as I spell out what I want You to do in my life, I thank You in advance for honoring every prayer request. As I take this act of faith, thank You for moving on my behalf, for working on my behalf and for bringing each and every request into full manifestation. Lord, help me to never quit, to never give up, and to never stop praying over what I'm believing you for. Regardless of how long it takes—I will never stop praying. Have Your way Lord. Move how You want to move and bless how You want to bless.

In Jesus' Name Amen!

Post Written By: SIS Chantele

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