Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 32: Get a Testimony

Hey SIS!!!

Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!!


Have one of your closest friends ever told you an amazing story, and it was so unbelievably wonderful that you had to share it with someone else? And when you told the story to another person you were just as excited as when your friend told it to you!! Well...wouldn’t it be cool if you had your own story? Not just a story, but a sequence of events that really meant something to you. A time where things weren’t really looking the brightest, relationships weren’t the happiest, inner peace wasn’t quite peaceful, or money wasn’t in full abundance or even half abundance for that matter. However, somehow some way you made it through, and you came out victorious in the midst of the storm. Yeah—that would be a good story to tell. Except now it’s no longer a story, it’s a testimony and the “some way somehow” is Jesus.

The scripture for Day 32 is Revelation 12:11 which says, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Batterson says, “A testimony is powerful, in part, because we cannot argue with it. It’s irrefutable and undeniable. A personal testimony is our secret weapon, and that’s why the enemy wants us to keep our testimony a secret. It’s not a testimony if we don’t share it with others. If we don’t share our testimonies, we are robbing God of the glory He deserves.”

EVERYBODY GET DOWN! This isn’t just another forceful blog phrase used to get your attention. This is what I remember. These are the words that resound in my thoughts from my testimony. My mom and I had a few errands to run one Saturday morning while I was home for the weekend from college. She was rushing me so I grabbed a t-shirt (my favorite t-shirt) and some jeans. We weren’t supposed to be gone long. Little did I know, my mom and I would literally be customers in a bank that was going to be robbed. This only happens on television...right?! Not this time. I remember every single detail about that day in the bank. In fact, I can clearly remember the guy who robbed the bank. He kept watching me; I just figured that he was going to try to talk to me when he was done taking care of his business. I was hoping not, so I made a point to look away and engage in more conversation with my mom. When the guy got to the counter the teller screamed, which alarmed him. So he panicked, he took out his gun and told everyone to “GET OUT!” However, people raced out screaming and crying, which brought too much attention to the bank. So he demanded to everyone left inside the bank, “EVERYBODY GET DOWN!” I was in shock. The world slowed down and I felt like I was the only person standing after his orders were given. My mom had to pull me down. I wasn’t praying or anything while I was on the ground. I didn’t even really have a relationship with the Lord. I mean yes, I knew who He was...but not really. After the guy left with the bank’s money, the police came inside the bank to interview all of the witnesses. When they got to me they asked me about my attire. No big deal, I had on flip flops, jeans, a scarf, and my favorite t-shirt. My favorite t-shirt—the same navy blue t-shirt that read POLICE in big bold white letters across the front. The officer told me that the guy was probably watching me because he was trying to see if I was an off duty police woman or a cadet. My mom immediately broke down crying. I am only 5’3’’ and 135 lbs; he could have easily without a problem taken me as a hostage. God spared my life! I do not know why! I was not living for Him, I didn’t pray to him ever, and I didn’t even thank Him for saving me. But, God had a plan for my life. He cared (and still does care) about me more than I care about myself.

Not only am I alive, but I didn’t lose ANY of my possessions either. This is my testimony, and this instance alone is enough for me to believe that God can do ALL things. But just like Batterson says, “Don’t be satisfied with second hand faith: get a testimony!” We need to get excited about telling people about what God has done for us, and how He worked a miracle on our behalf. It’s encouraging to others, and it prompts people to praise God and share their own testimonies. We never know how our testimony can change someone else’s life. Testimonies cause us to put life into perspective, and really really think about how GREAT our God is. We aren’t to water down our testimonies, we aren’t to be ashamed, and we aren’t to fear the Test that precedes the testimony. God loves us. He will protect us.

The bible says in Mark 5:19, “Jesus did not let him, but said, ‘go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.’”



Say this prayer:
Lord I come to You humbly and grateful for all that You have done for me, and I thank You that You have blessed me more than I will ever know. Lord, I am sorry if I haven’t been obedient in sharing the goodness of You to others. From this day forth I will try my best to let someone know about how You have been a protector and a provider in my life. I promise to not be fearful during my test, because You have not given me the spirit of fear. I understand that releasing my testimony is the way to give You honor and praise, and I want nothing more than to make You smile. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray Amen.


Post Written By: SIS Ebony E.

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