Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 33: Prayer Covering

Hey SIS!

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Do you every have one of those days…when everything seems to go wrong? If you’re not being stopped at the street light, then you are disagreeing with a friend, or even experiencing attitudes from people. When everything starts going off course, you sit back and wonder why. Why me? Why now? Well, many times when you are going in the right direction with God, the enemy “tries it” over and over with you. But, God says that in him you have the victory!
Today’s scripture comes from Exodus 17:12, “When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” In this verse we get a glimpse into what Moses experienced, and how his friends came and supported him when he was tired. God called Moses to lead his people, the Israelites, from Egypt and into the promise land. Moses started on the journey strong and focused, but they encountered trials. After encountering a battle between the Amalekites, Moses grew tired and the Israelites lost ground. Batterson says “That’s when Aaron and Hur stood alongside Moses and lifted up his arms until sunset.” Moses was not only going through a physical battle, but a spiritual one as well.

We are in a spiritual battle too! When we begin to press into God through prayer, and even intercede (pray) for others the enemy doesn’t like it. Batterson says “When we hit our knees, we pick a fight with the enemy.  And the enemy will fight back.” The enemy will begin to put things in our path to distract us, make us want to give up, and back down. We all need to know that the enemy “…cannot touch us. He has no jurisdiction in our lives if we are covered by the blood of Jesus, but we also need a prayer covering.” It’s important for us to have others praying for us—pastors, friends, family and spiritual mentors.
God is so awesome! Yesterday morning, SIS Chantele received a word from God saying that we all needed to cover each other in prayer. I had the pleasure of being covered in prayer. Little did I know that the enemy would try to hit be with his best shots: experiencing tiredness in my body, symptoms of a cold, and pressure at work. At the end of the day, I literally felt like throwing in the towel. Then I called on Jesus and prayed. In addition to being covered in prayer that morning, in the evening I got a wonderful word of encouragement from another SIS. And now through his strength I’m writing.

God always has our back. He loves us. So next time you face an unforeseen challenge—instead becoming emotional or having negative response—immediately pray and call on the Lord. Make sure that others are lifting you up in prayer also.

Say this prayer:


Thank You for all those who intercede for me through prayer. Bless them Lord. I pray that You cover them as well. I know that no matter what challenges I face that you are with me. You love me. Your word says in Romans 8:37 “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Lord, it’s good to know that when I’m at my weakest, You can give me strength. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Post Written By: Chelsea

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