Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 34: Raise Up A Remnant

Hey SIS!!!!!

Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!! 

So I must say, Chapter 34 BLESSED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! It was confirmation of all the things God revealed to me when He told us to start this prayer challenge.

Batterson talks about "The Order of a Mustard Seed," which was a group of Christians who "solemnly pledged to be true to Christ, to be kind to people, and to take the gospel to the nations." The group pledged to use all of their gifts, wealth and influence for the conversion of the non-believer. On August 27, 1727, a small remnant of 24 brothers and 24 sisters began praying around the clock. Similar to the day of Pentecost,  their prayer meeting was visited by the Holy Spirit! Their prayers reverberated all around the world and turned into one of the greatest missionary movements the church has ever known (Moravian Pentecost at Herrnhut).

Batterson states, "At critical junctures in history, God raises up a remnant to reestablish His reign and rule. It's rarely the majority. In fact, it's always a small minority. But all it takes is a faithful few to begin a reformation."  Batterson uses the scripture, 2 Kings 19:30 "Once more a remnant of the kingdom of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above." I would just like to say WE are the remnant!!!!!! God revealed it to me before we started this challenge and this chapter provided the final confirmation I needed!!!!!

The Moravian Pentecost at Herrnhut in 1727 started with a remnant who had pure hearts and were dedicated to prayer. At the beginning of the year, God spoke to me in a dream and said I needed to pray like I've never prayed before. So the ladies of Saved In Style began praying everyday at 5AM.  We began praying around the clock; in our cars, on our jobs, at the store, everywhere! Praying became a normal routine. We also began to fast more and consecrate ourselves to the Lord. During this time, the 40 day Prayer Challenge was birthed out!!! One day, God spoke to me and said he did not want me to listen to any gospel music while driving in my car  for 10 days (I LOVE to get my praise and worship on in the car!). Instead, He told me to listen to the audio Bible. While driving on one particular day, the book of Acts was playing. God reminded me of how he moved on the day of Pentecost. It started with 120 believers who gathered together in prayer at the Upper Room and spread like wildfire!!!! As I was listening to the book of Acts in the car, God gave me the idea to have the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge. Acts 2:1-4  says, "When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as if fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." He said he wanted the women participating in the challenge to meet in one place and pray like never before. He showed me it would be a modern day Pentecost. Immediately, the enemy tried to attack my thoughts and tell me I was having grandiose thoughts. Really, God was going to use Saved In Style to bring a revival and reformation to the world????? At that time, we had about 40 women who committed to the prayer challenge and it just didn't seem likely. However, He kept speaking to me about it and I said "Ok, God whatever you say." After I surrendered to God and told Him, "Yes", women began to join the prayer challenge from all over the USA and across the world. I still don't even know how they found out about it because we did not have any advertising besides Facebook and Instagram. It is ALL GOD! As women from Bahamas and Africa began to reach out to me, I knew this was confirmation that God was going to do exactly what He promised. My next confirmation was the icing on the cake. I had every intention to have the event at a hotel. However, God had different plans. God lead us to a Christian venue in Detroit, MI called the Upper Room. Yes, the UPPER ROOM named after the place where believers meet on the Day of Pentecost. I hope you ladies are ready for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale on February 21, 2014!!!!!!!

My favorite quote from this chapter:

"I believe there is a remnant within every church, within every city. It's time to rise up. It's time for  reformation.  The next great awakening won't be the result of a planning meeting. Just as it was for Pentecost, it will be birthed in a prayer meeting."

Say This Prayer:


You are so powerful and so mighty. I pray with expectancy for what You are about to do in this nation, in my state, in my city, in my community, in my church and in my life. Lord, you are the same yesterday, today and forever! If you did it back then on the Day of Pentecost, I know you can do it again.  I pray for a powerful move of God in this Earth. I vow to pray consistently and fervently. I vow to use all of my gifts, all of my wealth and all of my influence to promote You in the Earth and lead others to You. I praise You for raising up a remnant to bring revival and reformation to the world. Lord, thank you for saving me and transforming me into a WORLD CHANGER! In Jesus' Name. Amen!!!!

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha Sh'Lene

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