Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 35: The Longest Lever

Hey SIS!!!!! Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!!

5 days left SIS!!! Can you believe it? It seems like just a couple weeks ago we were starting this challenge with Day 1 Chapter titled, “Get Ready,” now we are on day 35 and it feels Amazing!! I will be the first to admit, when I first agreed to do this challenge I completely cringed at a 40 day commitment. Did anyone else feel the same way? I mean, it’s only natural right? We start to have all of these thoughts that circle around all the reasons we shouldn’t do things and barely pay any attention to the many benefits of why we SHOULD move forward anyhow!

This chapter titled “The Longest Lever” is based off a partial passage from Zechariah 4:10 which reads, “Do not despise small beginnings.” I have heard many variations of this same passage so many times throughout my life. When faced with a dilemma or a new task people have always said “It’s the small steps that count,” “You have to start somewhere,” or my favorite, “it’s all about humble beginnings.”

Many times as we strive to get closer to Christ we can often get discouraged.  I know I have. Whether it’s personal situations going wrong, prayers not being answered in the manner we thought they would, or we just feel defeated; we sometimes can feel like “God must not be hearing me.” But that’s where you and I were wrong SIS. God loves and honors our prayers! Batterson says, “our prayers have the potential to rewrite history.”  I know you are thinking “we have the ability to rewrite history?” The answer is a bold “Yes.”  “How” you ask? By using prayer as our lever!

Batterson describes a lever as something that “amplifies the input force to provide a greater output force.  Simply put, the longer the lever, the greater the leverage.” Every time we kneel in prayer with a humble heart Batterson says, “God will extend His mighty hand on our behalf. He will leverage us in ways that are humanly impossible.” In other words, we need to do something so small as humbling ourselves before God in prayer and in return He will do something so extraordinary to take care of the rest! Now does it sound like we can rewrite History? Yup, with God and prayer we surely CAN!!

When we signed up to do this prayer challenge, for many of us—including myself—this  was a humble (small) beginning that was talked about in our key passage Zechariah 4:10. Batterson says “Like a parent that celebrates a baby’s first step, our heavenly Father rejoices when we take the smallest of steps in the right direction. And those small steps become giant leaps in God’s Kingdom.” So whatever challenges you may be currently facing stay encouraged SIS because God is rooting for You!!!

Say this prayer with me:

Father, I am so thankful to have You in my life! Though there are times I get discouraged, help me to not focus on my current situations and focus on the leverage I have instead. I may not be able to do everything, but Lord I now know through humble and consistent prayer You WILL do the impossible! Everything is all to Your Glory God, I take no credit. I thank You for my past blessings and I thank You in advance for the ways You will rewrite my story. I am humbled to serve such a Great and Mighty God! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!

Post Written By: SIS Leigh

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