Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 36: Senior Partner

Hey SIS!

We are almost to the end of our 40 day challenge! It went by so fast. I’m excited about the Tag Team Prayer Finale, which will allow us all to gather in prayer.  If you still need to register, please visit

Mark Batterson introduces the idea of a “Senior Partner” in today’s chapter. The key scripture is from Matthew 6:20, which says “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Batterson tells the story of his ninety-five-year-old friend named Stanley Tam. He explains that more than a half century ago, he made the decision to make God his Senior Partner. This meant that Stanley’s current business called United States Plastic Corporation that made less than $200,000 in revenue each year now embraced God as a partner—owning  51 percent of his business.  As time passed he realized that he needed to make God the sole owner of his business, and Stanley made himself a salaried employee. Stanley believed that God would bless his business, and he wanted to honor God by letting God be “owner.” Batterson says “Since the day Stanley made that defining decision, he has given away more than $120 million.” Ladies, due the success of Stanley’s business, which God blessed tremendously, he has been able to pour into others’ lives by being a giver.

Have you ever wanted to have enough money to give away to those in need? Do you dream about being able to have all your needs met? If you answered “yes” to these questions, the real question that determines how close you are to reaching that point is “Are you allowing God to be your Senior Partner in your life?” This means giving the full tithe and offering to God. I learned a long time ago that giving offering to God isn’t just about money. God wants your time, gifts, and other resources also. Batterson says “We cannot out give God.” We must give God all access to our lives, and be willing to give him what we do have. Batterson says “If we don’t hold out on God, God won’t hold out on us.”

I remember when I was just learning about tithing and offering. At the time I was living in New York, and making about $900 every two weeks. I didn’t have much money or material items. I was going through a national service program called AmeriCorps. I knew when I signed up for the program, my finances would be tight, but the experience would help me to develop skills to gain employment after my year of service. I started attending a church in Brooklyn. I can remember one Sunday the pastor preached a sermon about giving God our best and showing our belief through action, which reflects our faith in God. As the time for offering came, I sat in my chair and it hit me—I needed to make a significant offering. At the time, I was having such a hard time living in Brooklyn. I didn’t like where I lived, I was far from any friends, and I had very little money. I couldn’t call my parents—complaining after I decided to move—because they warned me and then loving helped me move. I had $20 in my purse, and in my heart I believed if I gave that for an offering God would bless me. It was all I had—it was the best I could do—so I gave it. Shortly after sowing into that church, God opened a door for me to relocate closer to my job and in a much better neighborhood. My whole experience in living in a foreign city changed for the better. God took what I had and blessed me.  I realized that giving to God is a MUST!!! I learned that money isn’t important, and that God knows what I need and will provide it.
God can do the same for you! Batterson reminds us that we need to have childlike faith. We are serving the same God that others are serving who have become millionaires. And if God did it for them, he can do it for us! We need to take God for his word and believe on his promises. And don’t forget, our prayers don’t expire.  As we “pray the price” today, “good things will pass from generation to generation and become great things.” We must remember that “Every prayer we pray, every gift we give, every sacrifice we make, and every step of faith we take is an inheritance left to the next generation."

Say this Prayer:

Lord God, thank You for being who you are. Today I’m reminded that You are my Senior Partner in my life. You have all access. Father, I pray that You lead me to first give You completely.  I know that I can’t out give You. You know my needs, and I believe You will meet them all. Secondly, help me to give to others. Make be a giver! I love you today Lord. Continue to bless my family through every generation. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Post Written By: SIS Chelsea

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