Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 37: Prayer Contracts

Hey SIS!

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Chapter 37 is the most essential part of the whole entire book to me. It speaks of the importance of prayer, praying in God’s will and forming a prayer circle. God’s desire is to give us EVERYTHING that our heart desires, but he has a perfect will for our lives. It is crucial to pray without ceasing, but it’s even more important to pray God’s will. Sometimes we are praying and praying and praying for a specific thing that WE want God to do and the whole time that we are praying, God is saying, “that’s not what I have for you. That’s not the plans I have for your life.” It’s important to pray God’s will for every situation that concerns our lives. Whether it be for financial breakthrough or when we are praying for the healing of a sick loved one. God always knows what’s best for us.

Today’s key scripture comes from Matthew 18:18, which reads, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.” Batterson explains that the word bind makes a legal reference. It means “to place a contract on something.” When we pray for the will of God, we are placing a “spiritual contract” for it to occur. In addition, when we pray by circling the promises in the Word of God and agreeing with others in prayer something really powerful happens.

 I can recall a specific situation where I was not praying God’s will. I wanted God to work a miracle so badly that I did not even stop to ask God if it was his will for the miracle to manifest. God did not perform the miracle that I so desperately wanted him to perform. I did not understand why this miracle did not happen. It seemed unfair. It’s not like I was praying for a million dollars. I was praying for a healing miracle to take place. When that didn’t happen, I was so confused! But God continuously repeated to me “it’s my will and I will be glorified.” Shouldn’t that always be the goal? That God be glorified?

“The purpose of prayer is not to get what you want; the goal of prayer is to discern what God wants, what God wills. But if your prayer is in the will of God, than it is backed up by full authority of the King and his Kingdom” (Batterson). I always view prayer and the word as combined forces used to destroy the works and the power of the enemy. We have to understand that we have authority over the enemy especially when we are praying Gods will. The Lord says in his scripture that the word is our weapon and prayer is our power. You can’t operate with one and not have the other. For example, imagine yourself on a battlefield. You have this huge sword in your hand. The sword is sharpened and ready for use. This weapon is of course the word of God. Now, without at proper prayer life, you have this huge weapon in your hand, but because you don’t pray, you have NO POWER…..think about it! Praying God’s will, with the word as a weapon against the enemy, what could even try to stop you…..NOTHING!!!!!

 James 5:16 reads “The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.” We have full authority through Christ, anything that we ask in God’s will and with authority, we have. In the book of James, it talks about how Elijah prayed that the rains would stop, and they did. A few years later, he prayed for the rains to come, and they did. Women of God, we have the SAME authority! Because we are righteous, we can ask anything in the name of Jesus (in God’s will) and it is done before the entire prayer can ever leave our mouths. We are righteous children of God and that means that we can speak life (and life will form) or we can speak death to a situation (and death will occur). Let’s make the most of our prayers by seeking God for his will.


Heavenly Father,

Your word in Isaiah 55:9, says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” And in response to your word I say, “I thank You for being above me and knowing what is best for me.” In this life, we are all searching for our purpose and asking for Your will to be done. But let us not be blindsided and naive to think that as we ask, so we are ready for it to be revealed and respond accordingly. I pray that as each of us comes to a point in our lives where we dare to ask You to reveal Your will for us, You would put us in a place of acceptance of what You reveal to us. It may not be what we want, but it will surely be what we need in order to live a life fully invested in You. When fear attempts to consume us, be the destroyer of the fear by Your perfect love for we know it casts out all fear. When You see that we are tempted to turn back and ignore Your will, chasten our spirits and help us to see that You only want the best for us. Help us to realize that anything You bring into our lives and anything You reveal to us is for our good. Give us a spirit of acceptance and a heart open to Your move in our lives. Most of all Lord, let us never get so caught up in seeking You out for a revelation that we forget to seek You—for you. Let us always desire to be with You above all things; seeking Your kingdom first and letting everything else be added afterwards. Let Your love surround us and cast out any fear or doubts. Help us to live in love with You, accept Your will for our lives and give us the proper response to your revelation.

In Jesus’ Name,



Post Written By: SIS Tish

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