Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 38: Climb the Watchtower

Hey SIS!!!


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When you pray are you completely distraction free and willing to cry out before the Lord? Well...I will answer that question for myself first. “No.” Since the bible says in Luke 18:1, “Then he spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” I pray any and everywhere, work, my car, grocery store, the mall, church, in my home. Therefore, sometimes I am multitasking and I can’t focus 100% on the Lord, but I want to glorify Him at all times so I pray anyhow. But, I am not always out and about. When I come home and pray I like to give the Lord my undivided attention. That means the television should be off, I shouldn’t be cooking or texting, I should only be in the presence of God. I wouldn’t feel loved if every time I talked to the Lord He was always busy with other people or occupied doing other things. Our God gives us his undivided attention, and He listens to our every prayer. For this reason, we should climb our personal Watchtower and concentrate only on the Lord as a routine in our daily prayer life.

The Scripture for Day 38 is Habakkuk 2:1 which says, “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.”

Batterson says, “We need to find a place where we are free from distraction, where we get good reception, where we can focus, and where our faith is strong.”

Our watchtower is symbolic to where we pray—even if it means going back to a place where the Lord has already proven himself faithful and just. Maybe someone was set free at college, in a hospital, or at a friend’s house. We don’t have to necessarily go to that place to pray to the Lord, but if we are ever in that location it’s a reminder that God can do all things, and we can say a prayer to show the Lord that we are grateful and that we have not forgotten.  We can even get creative with our watchtower. Sometimes going back to the exact place that God answered our prayer is not feasible. We could look at a picture of ourselves during the time we were praying for something, revisit that page in our journals or even listen to a gospel song that helped us get through the situation. When we have something as a reminder that God blessed us before, it builds our faith and causes us to trust that He has NOT ran out of blessings and that He can bless us again.

Can you hear? Praying from your watchtower allows us to be able to hear from God more clearly. Think about it; it’s hard to focus on the music in the car if we are trying to figure out directions to an unfamiliar place, eating a snack, and talking on the phone all at the same time. There are too many activities going on at once. Let’s not forget...when we drive we should be focused on the road! So, if God is trying to get a blessing to us during our prayer time with Him we should be focused on Him and only Him. If we are always distracted or giving Him a quick “I’m kind of busy right now” prayer, how will we get our answer? How will we get the directions to that unfamiliar place if we can’t hear? Any relationship requires “quality” time in order for it to blossom into something great. Our relationship with the Lord requires the same. So we need to go to our watchtower and offer up a prayer to the Lord. We need to go to a place where we are comfortable, a place where we can clear our minds, and a place where our hearts can receive what the Lord is telling us.

The bible says in Matthew 6:6, “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to the Father in private. Then your father, who sees everything, will reward you.”

Say this prayer:
Lord I come before You totally focused in on Your presence. I do not want any distractions to hinder me from giving You the worship that You deserve. Lord I love You. In loving You I know that I must sacrifice my time to pray and talk to You. I may sometimes get caught up in my busy schedule, but I now know that You take precedence over everything and every person in my life. It is because of Your grace that I am able to speak out of my mouth and praise You. My relationship with You Lord is priceless to me and I want to do all that I can to hear Your voice more clearly, and to show You how much I value our alone time. There aren’t any blessings, questions, or concerns that our too large for You to answer and I thank You Lord for sharing Your presence with me. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray Amen.

Post Written By: SIS Ebony E.

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