Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 39: He's Everywhere!

Hey SIS!!!

Don't Forget to Register for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!! Click the link below to RSVP TODAY!!!

We're almost to the finish line! To be able to have shared in God's love and to hear your testimonies has been truly an amazing experience. I'm so humbled and so grateful to have walked this journey with all of you.  We all had a reason why we committed to doing this challenge. Some of us may have needed healing or for specific blessings to be released. Some of us needed confirmation about a certain decision or move to be made, while others were simply desperate for a breakthrough. Whatever our reasons, we all agreed that seeking God was the first step. So now here were are 1 day left, and I just wanted to encourage you. Just because the prayer challenge is ending does not mean you lose your connection to God. He doesn't pop in for special occasions. He doesn't leave you after Monday night prayer has ended.  He is with you at all times.

Today's reading is titled "Holy Ground."  The scripture is Exodus 3:5: "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." In Exodus 3 God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and he was tending to a flock of sheep far off into the wilderness.  Mark Batterson explains that Jewish scholars used to debate about why God appeared to Moses in that manner. They concluded that no place is devoid of God's presence.

 The beautiful and remarkable thing about God is that he is everywhere—at all times. Many people feel like in order to be in God's presence you have to be in his house. I think many of us at one time or another have thought to ourselves "there's no way I'm missing church on Sunday after what happened today!" But the simple fact is, God can meet you right where you are. You don't have to step into "His house" for him to find you. You don't have to pray at the altar for him to hear your voice.  There is no "proper" place to worship or to call on Him. God created all of earth. Any place you could possibly be is his territory, and he is in the midst.

 Batterson tells us of an amazing dual testimony. An author, Ken Gaub was driving near Dayton, OH with his family and decided to stop for a bite to eat. He went to stretch his legs a little and heard a pay phone ringing. He answered the phone and the operator said "Long distance for Ken Gaub."  Amazed he accepted the call and on the line was a woman on the brink of suicide. She explained to him that she had written a suicide note but decided to pray one last time. She told God that she didn't really want to go through with it. As she prayed she remembered seeing Ken on television. She told God "If I could just talk to him, He could help me." As she continued to pray numbers popped into her head and she wrote them down. She called the number and Ken, in the middle of nowhere, answered.

This woman was able to come to God in her most desperate time. She called on God right where she was and he answered in a way that only He can. As for Ken Gaub, he was amazed that God knew just where to find him. We often say that He is always with us, but do we REALLY believe it? This was certainly confirmation for me!  Also, in knowing that God is with us at all times, everywhere we are is Holy ground. We must learn to treat it as such. We put on our best behavior in church, but we are ALWAYS in the presence of the Lord.  Let's learn to "Take off our sandals" ladies, and humble ourselves before the king at all times.

As I was reading today's message I kept being reminded of a poster that hung on the wall of my room for the first 17 years of my life. I'm not sure who bought it or who hung it there but, I'm grateful to have had a reminder of God's omnipresence throughout my years. Many of you may know this very familiar passage. For those who don't I wanted to share it with you!
Say this prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for being with me during every moment of my day and everywhere I go. Thank You that there is no incorrect place or time to call on You. Lord, help me seek You right where I am. Help me to trust that if I call You, You hear me. Help me to have faith that You'll answer. Thank You that I never have, and never will walk alone. Help me to feel your presence. You know all, hear all, see all, and Your love conquers all. So, thank You for loving me and fulfilling my needs according to Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Written by SIS Eboni R.


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