Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 20: Ready or Not

Hey SIS!

It’s Day 20 and that means we are half way to finishing the prayer challenge. I can’t believe it! It’s been such an awesome experience so far as we all learn and grow in God. With each passing day I’m experiencing more revelations—as I’m sure you are too. Over these last 20 days, perhaps God has given you God-ideas, promptings or even dreams.  The question is are you responding to what God is leading you to do?
Today’s scripture is Hebrews 11:8, which says “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.(NIV) Mark Batterson explains that Abraham didn’t know where his final destination would be, but that didn’t stop him from taking the first step in the journey God wanted him to take.

In Genesis 12:1, God pretty much told Abraham “Hey, I want you to leave your hometown, your cousins, uncles, and friends, and go to this place. No worries. I’m going to bless you. You’re going to be famous. I got you.” Do you know what Abraham did? He took his wife and left—plain and simple. Now if that was us, in all honesty most of us would have asked a billion questions. Where are we going? Why there? Will I have a place to stay? Can I say goodbye? What kind of blessings? What are you about to do? Will I be ok? Abraham was not a young guy. He was 75 years old and it’s not like he was rich. Of course he could have been in a better situation. But that didn’t stop him from moving when God said to move. Often we want to be sure of everything before we make His move, but that’s the exact opposite of faith. The dictionary defines faith as a belief in someone or something with no proof.
So, tell me do any of these statements sound familiar?

“As soon as the new year kicks in…”

“Right after I graduate…”

“I need to wait until…”

Now I know I’ve said all of these, plus a few extra. If you’re not sure what these statements are, then I’ll tell you. They are EXCUSES. We, as humans, waste time waiting for the RIGHT time. Let me be the first to tell you…there is no right time. There is only God’s time. Batterson starts this chapter by saying “You’ll never be ready.” Seems kind of harsh right? However, he later explains that we will never be ready to do what God has called us to do because God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
Even though God knows the future, He gives us the “right now.” God allows us to be in the present time, but many times we don’t take action. Instead we are so busy looking at our future, we miss the opportunities right in front of us.  Batterson says “Our failure to act on what we know God is calling us to do not only breeds doubt and discouragement; it’s a form of disobedience.” We must act on the revelation and understanding God has given us.

Ladies, let’s stop looking for proof. Let’s have faith. Trust that even if we are not ready, even if we are not set, we still need to GO when God says move. Batterson says it best: “What’s the first step or next step you need to take in your journey? If you take the first step, God will reveal the second step."

Say This Prayer:


I come to You with understanding that You have not given me a spirit of fear. I thank You for equipping me with the ability to do exactly what You created me to do. Lord, I ask that You continue to help me look beyond my status in this world and focus only on You and how You see me. Thank You for including me in Your plan and I ask for forgiveness for ever doubting that I, Your creation, could live out Your will. I need Your help in turning my mind away from my worldly circumstances. I want to be ready and willing to move when You say so. It is said in Your word that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). I thank You for that strength. I thank You for Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Post written by: SIS Erica

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Test Before The "Test"imony

Hey SIS!!!

God is moving supernaturally!!!! I have heard so any awesome testimonies from SISters in the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge. I was so blessed by this particular testimony and I know it will help a lot of women. Please share with others. Our testimonies encourage one another and help us overcome!!!!

10 days later........


P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!
Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

Day 19: Memorial Offerings

Hey SIS!

It’s Day 19 and I’m filled with “holy anticipation” (as Mark Batterson says) about what the Lord is doing in each and every one of your lives. God hears your daily prayers. Your prayers mean so much to Him! Hopefully you see them as valuable and something to be remembered. We must believe that each prayer is heard and will be answered in due time.

Today's scripture is Acts 10:4 “Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked. The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” (NIV) First, it’s important to understand what a "memorial offering" is. A memorial by definition is something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event. An offering is a gift or contribution. Simply put, when we pray, we've given God something to cherish and remember for generations to come. God loves our prayers. Isn't it amazing that everyday we have the opportunity to give something to someone who literally gave their life for us! Our prayers are like love letters to God. We get to ask for what we need, apologize for hurting Him, and best of all express our love and appreciation for Him. Often times we pray for things and we expect them to surface in our timing. We assume that because we haven't seen the manifestation that maybe God forgot about it. Don't worry! If you pray for things that are in His will, He will answer. Our prayers don't have expiration dates.  Our love letters make for the perfect keepsake and will not be forgotten.

Mark Batterson states, "Our prayers don't die when we do. God answers them forever.” In the chapter he tells a story about a mother who everyday, after every meal, would go to her room and pray for each of her twelve children. On her deathbed she told her children "I'm going to die but the power of my prayers will come to pass in each of your lives." Her prayer was that each of her children surrendered their life to Christ. Before she died six out of twelve were saved. Now, the total is ten out of twelve. In faith we know that her prayers for the last two will be answered. Even after death, and though she did not see what or how God was moving while she was praying, her prayers did not expire. They are still being answered.

This story is extremely powerful to me. I'm sure we could all benefit from the unwavering faith that this prayerful mother exemplified. After all, "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6). Not having faith is like telling God "I wrote you this love letter but you probably won't respond; just thought I'd give it a shot."

 Batterson makes reference to the memories he has of his own grandfather interceding regularly on his behalf. Much like Batterson, I cannot recall a memory of my grandmother, Sallie Mae, without a Bible in her hand. Like the woman in the story, I know Sallie Mae prayed for us everyday—all day! I wonder how many of her prayers are manifesting in my life still to this day. I truly believe that my involvement with Saved in Style, the new found thirst that I have for God, and the wonderful women of God I'm surrounded by, are the product of a prayer circle that began when I was born 26 years ago.
Let's give God a memorial offering! God can and will answer every prayer!


Say this prayer:

Dear God,

I thank You for always hearing my prayers. Thank You that You can and will answer my prayers according to Your will. I trust You and Your perfect timing. Lord, even though I do not know Your plans and I may not visibly see what I have asked for at this time, I believe that every promise shall come to pass. Thank You for every prayer that others have prayed on my behalf in the past that is still being answered today. Continue to strengthen my faith and give me patience. I come against every thought that You have forgotten about me and I thank You that prayers do not expire. Thank You for Your undying and unconditional love for me. Forgive me for the times I gave up on You. Forgive me for the times I got tired of waiting on unanswered prayers and tried to take my life into my own hands. Thank You that my path is already set and that I may find rest in You. Thank You for favor! In Jesus' name, Amen!

P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!

Post Written By: SIS Eboni R.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Message of Encouragement To The Single and Married #TagTeam SISTERS!!!

Hey SIS!!

Here is an excerpt from a blog post I wrote a few years ago entitled "Top Models For Christ Need Role Models" via ( I wanted to share it to encourage you!

"Ok so, I was thinking back to when I made a serious decision to serve God, get back in church and really live my life the way the BIBLE instructs Christians to live. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy at first but God placed people in my life that were like "spiritual coaches"-pushing me to continue on the path God had for me. When I joined my church, there were ladies that I saw and admired. I admired their love for God, the way they carried themselves and their overall presentation. It made me say "I can do that". When I was in college and living in sin, sometimes I would feel this urge to go to church and get right with God. The problem was that I didn't have any Christian role models in my life who made me say "I can do that". So I figured I would just wait until I was an older adult and done having my "fun". Top Models for Christ need role models. We need Christian role models who set examples for us, who give us wise advise and help push us closer to God. So where can you find these role models???? Well, my best advice is to find a church to attend...there are churches everywhere with role models waiting and eager to mentor you. Ok, so once you find a have to get involved. If you just go to Sunday service and then go straight home, it'll be really hard to build relationships. Start going to church fellowships and join a ministry; this is how I became really close to my role models. It gave me an opportunity to watch how my role models behaved not only in church but at home and out in public. Also, in the world people look up to the NBA players, movie stars and singers that they see on TV. Well, there are Christian singers, actresses and preachers on TV that we can observe. Good, Christian role models can definitely have a positive influence on your Christian walk. Get a role model!!!!"

My own role model is my spiritual mother/mentor....Prophetess Shavarn Smith. When I first met her, I literally said "I want to be just like her when I grow up spiritually!!!" She is anointed, she is a great wife and mother and she is just an EXTRAORDINARY woman of God!!! I listen to her teaching, I take heed to her advise and I watch her walk with Christ. I believe it is because of her mentorship and my obedience to Christ, that the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge was birthed out. I encourage each of you to pray that God will send you a spiritual mentor. They are so valuable!!!! 

As we pray for each of you, Prophestess Smith prays for us and for you as well. If you are in need of a spiritual mentor/role model, she would love to meet you!!! You can visit Redeemed Christian Fellowship located at 11731 Mt. Elliot Detroit, MI 48212 ANYTIME!! You can contact her at Please take a moment to watch the video as Prophetess Smith has a message and prayer for the single and married women of the #TagTeam Prayer Challenge!!!!

P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha

Day 18: Keep Circling

Hey SIS!!!
 It is day number 18 of our 40 day prayer challenge!! This has been an amazing experience thus far, and we are almost half way done. However, we must keep in mind that even though we are drawing close to the second half of the challenge, we have to continue to be bold in our prayers. Even if God hasn’t answered the prayers that we have asked for on day #1, it doesn’t mean that we should stop praying circles around those situations. You know the passion and the excitement you felt in the first week of the challenge? God is still looking for that enthusiasm and expectancy over the prayers that we circled at the start of the challenge.

The scripture for Day 18 is Joshua 6:4, which says “Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.”

Batterson says, “Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. God rarely does things how or when we expect Him to, and it leads us to question His strange and mysterious ways. I’m sure the Israelites questioned God’s battle plan at Jericho. They would have preferred to storm the gates or scale the walls, but God told them to circle the city for seven days! It didn’t make any sense. It had to feel like forever. But they kept circling!”

 If the Israelites would have decided not to circle the city of Jericho for 7 days, maybe if they decided to circle for 4 days instead, they would have not captured the city and missed out on their blessing. Now is not the time to give up the race, because we don’t know how close we are to the Lord’s finish line. When you pray a circle around something it goes deeper than what we think. Let’s think about the circle as a shape. The circle doesn’t have breaks or sharp corners, but it is complete and it goes on for infinity. So our prayers should do just that. Our prayers shouldn’t come to a sharp corner or stop then start back up again. Our prayers should always be ongoing with the same eagerness as the first day we prayed our prayer to the Lord. Guess what??? Even after the Lord has answered our prayers, we must still circle our blessing with prayer. It’s kind of like blessing our blessing or protecting our blessing. In addition to continuously circling our prayers, it is our responsibility to speak life into ourselves and our situations. It is not beneficial to write down a prayer in our journal, ask God for the blessing, and when friends doubtingly ask us about it, we speak disbelief because we are embarrassed or not sure if God can answer that prayer. God can answer every prayer that is prayed through His will. God wants us to live a happy, healthy and satisfied life!  

When last year came to a close I was wondering why some of the things I wanted from God had not shown up. I knew that God was an on-time God and he could do ALL things...but I was still wondering where my blessings were. It wasn’t until my best friend was telling me that she wrote down a list at the beginning of last year of the blessings that she wanted from the Lord, that I gained a new understanding. As she was naming off the things God blessed her with, I realized that I had not asked for anything. How could that have happened? I let the entire year pass me without asking for the desires of my heart—a whole year without praying over those things. Even though God knows everything about us, it is still our responsibility to do our part. Matthews 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” So this year on the very first day of the year, I wrote down everything that I expect to receive from the Lord. I am praying circles around my desires daily, and I will most definitely share my testimony as I cross my blessings off my 2014 Prayer List.


Say this prayer:

Lord, I come before You with thanksgiving just to bless You for who You are in my life. I want to thank You Lord for everything that I have in my life right now, and I apologize if I have taken anything for granted. I thank You for waking me up each and every day, I thank You for clothes to wear, and I thank You for food to eat! I know that You can hear my every cry and every prayer, and I will continue to thank You and give You my best praise in advance for what You are about to do in my life. I know that You know what I need and what is best for me, because I am Your daughter and You love me with an unexplainable, unconditional love. Lord I thank You for never giving up on me, even when I have strayed away and may have given up on You. Lord I ask that You send me a fresh boldness to stand firm on the prayers that I have prayed to You. Lord God I do not want to get weary, I want to finish the race and make You proud. I promise that I will share my testimony with others, and not forget that it was You Lord who added a blessing to my life. I thank You for accepting me and I love You with ALL of my heart. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray Amen.

 P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!

Post Written By: SIS Ebony

Day 17: Right On Time


Hey Sis!!
 As I was reading the devotional for today, it reminded me of the song: "He's an on time God, Yes he is....Oh, on time God, yes He is....He may not come when you want Him but He'll be there right on time."

The GREAT thing about God is that He's a man of His word. If He said it, it will surely come to pass; you can bet your life on it! The part where we, as Christians, get caught up is in the waiting. Sometimes we think that when we ask God for something He should deliver it right then. We treat God almost as if He's a genie in a bottle; we give him our requests and tell Him to send the answer NOW—to send the blessing NOW—because we believe we need it NOW! Sometimes God answers expeditiously and other times He makes us wait.

The scripture reference for today is Daniel 9:19 " Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.” (NIV) When we pray, we want God to hear our prayers and act on them. When you think of the word "act" you think of the word "action." The definition of action is something done or performed; an act; or a deed. Many times when we pray and we don't see something being done or a miracle being performed in the natural we automatically assume that God isn't moving or working on our behalf. When in actuality from the time you had the thought to the time you spoke the words out of your mouth—to the time it penetrated the heavens—God heard you and he started moving on your prayer request right then! God is always working behind the scenes; it may not have manifested in the natural yet, but believe it's on the way and will arrive right on time.
Mark Batterson stated, "By definition praying hard is hard because it's hard. But it's the prayers you pray when you feel like you want to quit praying that can bring the greatest breakthroughs.” Whenever you’re believing God for something the devil always tries to send thoughts of doubt—especially when you’re in your waiting period—because  he wants to distract you. He wants to discourage you and throw you off course so that you stop praying. Wouldn't it be horrible to quit just before the breakthrough, just before the blessing, just before the release? That's why quitting is not an option. God says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing," which means to pray without stopping. Tell the devil he's a liar and continue to P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens).

Say this prayer:

Lord, I come before blessing Your holy name. I thank You for being the head of my life, for setting the path before me and ordering my steps. I thank You Lord for giving me patience and for helping me to see that your timing is the best timing. Help me not to be impatient, instead help me to wait for Your perfect will to be done in my life. You know my situation better than I do, therefore I know You will deliver the answer right on time. I know that You want the very best for me, and I surrender my will for Your will. Have Your way and take complete control. I know that You are working and interceding on my behalf, even right now, therefore I trust You whole-heartedly and I stand on your promises. Lord, I thank You and praise You in advance for the turn around, for the release, and for the breakthrough.
In Jesus Name,

 P.S Don't forget to RSVP for our #TagTeam Prayer Finale!!!
Post Written By: SIS Chantele

Monday, January 27, 2014

Save The Date!!! We Are Having A #TagTeamPrayer Finale!!!!!

Hey SIS!!!
Mark your calendars!!!!!  We are having a #TagTeam Prayer Finale in Detroit,MI!!!!!

Click Here to RSVP for the #TagTeam Prayer Finale  (February 21, 2014)
Click Here to RSVP for the Comedy Night with Saved In Style (February 15, 2014)

Don't forget February 4, 2014, we will have a guest speak on the prayer line at 9pm. You REALLY don't want to miss it!!!!!call in: 760.569.7171 code: 179125783. 

#TagTeam Prayer Line Tonight!!!! Breaking UnGodly Soul Ties!

Hey SIS!!!

Slight Error. The number on the flyer is incorrect. Please call 760-569-7171. Please spread word! The participant code is correct! 179125783# If you shared the picture or told someone else, please share this message.

Don't forget our #TagTeam Prayer Line is tonight at 9pm!!!!

" A soul tie is like a linkage in the soul realm between two people. It links their souls together, which can bring fourth both beneficial results or negative results."

Day 16: Surprise Surprise!

Hey SIS!!!!


Do you like surprises? Well, surprises (good things happening at perfect times) are God’s specialty. God loves our reaction to surprises. Surprises bring forth excitement, joyfulness and enthusiasm. God wants us to be excited and enthused about Him, so He is constantly looking for opportunities to surprise us. In the chapter, Batterson states, "Prayer adds an element of surprise to your life that is more fun than a surprise party or surprise gift or surprise romance. In fact, prayer turns life into a party, into a gift, into a romance." By committing to these 40 days of prayer, you have set yourself up to be surprised by God. It may not look, feel or appear like God is blessing you, but you should be excited. God loves to show up with surprises when you least expect it. So get ready because you are in the perfect position to be surprised by Him. 

 The Scripture for Day 16 is John 3:10, which reads “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Batterson focuses on the first part of the Bible verse, which reflects the notion that God moves in ways that we cannot predict. He says that the Holy Spirit “is uncontrollable, unpredictable—which can cause angst or excitement.” As believers in God, we know He is in control and has all power.  However, we don’t know how He will move and do things in our lives, but we can trust that He has a good plan for us and has perfect timing. Batterson says, “But one thing is certain: if we follow Jesus, our lives will be anything but boring.”

Batterson gives an example of how he experienced a huge surprise. God allowed him to connect with a neighbor while on vacation, and they shared a mutual friend. Later that mutual friend, connected him to another friend, who later contacted Batterson about donating property valued at $2 million to their church, National Community Church. Batterson’s first thought: “I couldn’t have been more surprised if he’d said I’d won the lottery without even buying a ticket.” But then, Batterson remembered that he had prayed to God: “Lord Surprise us.”
Imagine what would happen if we ALL circled this prayer—Lord surprise us!  What would happen if we really let go, and gave God full control! God responds to us. The Bible says “You do not have because you do not ask God” (James 4:2b). Basically, if we don’t ask God, He can’t answer us. Through this prayer challenge, we have seen God moving in our lives. He has always been there, ready to take action on our behalves, but the question is have we been asking? Let’s continue to ask. Let’s ask God to surprise us, and wait and watch for Him to move!

"Expect the unexpected because God is predictably unpredictable"


Say this prayer:  

Thank You for hearing my prayer. I know You love me, and want only the best for my life. I come humbly asking for You to surprise me. My Life is in Your hands. I’m looking forward to every miracle, every blessing, and every divine appointment You want me to experience. I believe You can do it, and will do it in Your perfect timing. I pray that You give me peace and fill me with excitement as a wait on You. I come against fear or doubt in the name of Jesus. I surrender my own motives, and ask that I desire Your motives. Thank you Father, for new understanding and making life so much fun! In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Post Written By: SIS Chelsea

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 15: He Will Fight For You

Hey SIS!!

This chapter really hits home for me so let me take you into my world. I come from a fairly large household as my mother had six children. I was the youngest and my siblings were much older. We had this one sister who was the protector of all siblings. If anyone messed with any of her sisters they would have to battle with her instead. Even if the kids looked at one of my older siblings wrong or even called them a name she would give them a physical shakedown that would have them volunteering to hand over lunch money, giving her their homework, and running home to their momma in silent fear. Her reputation was so strong she was even known for physically taking out multiple kids at one time, girls and boys alike. They didn’t mess with my sister or even my family for that matter. She was always on Top Notch Guard for her us! I couldn't have loved her more!!! :)

The key scripture Mark Batterson uses for today is Psalms 35:23 “Contend for me my God and Lord.” Batterson starts off noting, “God loves when we fight for Him. But God loves it even more when we let Him fight for us!” A statement so simple and powerful yet throughout life the simplicity of ‘God wanting to fight for us’ can be tough to digest when we decide to dedicate our lives to Him.

To show you what I mean when I was around four/five years old I found out that my sister, The Top Notch Sibling Guard, became pregnant then sick and doctors said she only had one year to live. An untreatable malignant brain tumor was what she had. So I watched this strong, vibrant, “stand for your rights” woman full of love fight for her life until it was over. For me, although I was six at the time and my siblings were all adults, I felt a transfer of the need to protect just like my sister did. While the “fight” I stood for was far less physical and more mental and emotional, I still had a natural tendency to “protect” what was right. All throughout school I was never truly picked on, yet I would stand up for people who were or I would always encourage those who were hurting. I was the young one who always had a “handle” on things no matter the angle.

It was only natural for this “handle all” spirit to continue heavily into my adulthood, right? However, we all know that with adulthood comes adult responsibilities! Ugh! Those things can be a handful and even though I was a Saved woman attempting to use “wisdom” and “sound logic” to make “good decisions” all my efforts kept me spinning my wheels in circles and always feeling drained!!!!! That’s until I realized the simple notion that Batterson mentions, “If you are on God’s side, then God is on your side.” Translation: God wants you to ONLY focus on fighting for Him and to let Him handle EVERYTHING ELSE! Now how reassuring is that!?! Some of you may be saying to yourself right now “Wait, you mean to tell me if I put ALL of my energy/focus into staying in God’s presence then God handles the rest????” My response: “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying SIS!!!!” Next you may ask, “Well how can I give everything to God?” Well SIS, Batterson said it best: “Prayer is the way we let go and let God. Prayer is the way we take our hands off and let God put His hands on. Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you.” If we are doing His will God has our back and we can rest in confidence knowing “Our prayers don't have expiration dates.” What a relief!!!

So say this prayer:

Father, I thank you that no matter how many mistakes I made before, You are always here to be on my side when I choose you! Because I am Your child You want me to be weightless and give all worries and cares to You. I am so grateful for that. Father, although I know things will not be easy and there will be setbacks, I know You wanting me to succeed is far greater. So I will use my weapon of prayer to fight for You. I will devote myself to You and Your will. I ask that You remove from me all things that make it “natural” for me to handle situations my own way. Remove my anxiety. Remove my past hurts of abandonment. Remove my worries and fears. Help me to be totally dependent on fighting for my personal relationship with You so that You can fight ALL battles for me. I love you Lord and although I may have taken things into my own hands before, I look forward to giving it all up to you now. I want to withhold Nothing! Thank You for Your continuous Mercy. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
Post Written By: SIS Leigh

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 14: Speak To The Mountain

Hey SIS!!!!

Sometimes when you’re in the midst of a storm in life all you can focus on is the storm. You think about the relationship, problem on the job, sickness, or whatever problem that keeps surfacing and you feel as though you can’t overcome. There are thoughts that come to your mind such as “things will never change,” “there is no hope,” or some other negative statement that is a LIE from the enemy. God can help you to overcome anything! All you have to do is have faith and talk to him about it.

The scripture for Day 14 is Matthew 17:20, which says “He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Batterson says “There comes a moment when you must quit talking to God about the mountain in your life and start talking to the mountain about your God.” You can stand on God’s promises, and declare that God has all power to deliver you from whatever problem you’re dealing with. We are daughters of the King, and as his children we must know and believe that nothing can over take us. You know the saying, “the battle is the Lord’s,” well it’s true.  Batterson states “The battlefield is the prayer closet…And when we hit our knees, God fights our battles for us.”

I can recall feeling like I had no friends; I felt lonely. After college ended, many of my closest friends moved to different states. As my relationship with God grew closer, I began to feel like I didn’t fit in with some of the people I did have as friends. I can remember praying to God—literally crying out to him with my desire to have friends. I wanted to be around women who I could relate to, who shared my beliefs, and could understand my sense of humor. One day I went to a friend’s birthday party and was introduced to a young lady. She said she was going to be putting together a step team to minister to others about God. I said I was interested. I never imagined that one month later I would get a call from this young lady asking me to join her step team. Now close to three years later, on a daily basis I get to enjoy the friendships I have formed through Saved In Style. God heard my cry and answered my prayer. He can do the same for you!

Our weapon against the enemy is prayer—that’s our part to handle. That act of quality time with our Father is time well spent. He then goes before us to resolve our situations. God begins to change the hearts and minds of others so we are favored; He allows us to cross path with the right person at the right time. God gives us strength and wisdom to change our ways and to become the women of God we are called to be.
Journaling really helps me to remember how God has answered my prayers from many years ago!!!
Say this prayer:


Thank You for always hearing my prayers. You’ve known me since the beginning, and hold my future in Your hands. I know that although I face challenges and unpleasant situations, that all things will work for my good because that is what you promise in Your word. Lord, please take over the problems that I face. I need you, and can’t do anything without You. Give me peace and strength while I face trials. I release every situation that I have tried to fix and have control of the outcome. Thank You for relieving me. For I know, that the battle is Yours and I thank You right now for the victory. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
For more information about Saved In Style Sisterhood visit our website:

Post Written By: SIS Chelsea

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 13: One Day


Hey SIS!!!

Below is the video blog for today! Yesterday, I received so many miraculous testimonies that we will be sharing later. Today, could be your day to receive a blessing from the Lord!!! You have to expect it and be ready to receive it!!!I hope you are excited!

Say This Prayer:
I come to you rejoicing because You are my source of joy. I thank You for all that You have done for me and all You have planned for my life. There is no one like You and I don't want to go one second without You in my life. Lord, I come to You today with expectancy because I know You are always thinking of me and You have great plans for my life. I am excited about all that You are about to do in my life. Although, I may not be able to see it yet, I know You have heard my prayers and You are moving on my behalf. Lord, I have complete confidence in You. I will no longer doubt You or question Your timing. I trust You with my life. I will wait patiently and pray while You work everything out for my good. Lord, I will no longer serve You with a nonchalant attitude and lack of enthusiasm. Lord, I will serve You with a high level of excitement and faith. Lord, help me to pray earnestly and with enthusiasm for according to Your Word in James 5:16 (AMP)-"The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available."  Lord,  I will pray everyday and I will not doubt that You are listening and sending answers to my prayers. Lord, elevate my faith and reveal Yourself to me even more so that I may have undeniable experiences with You. I love You, I trust You and I am excited about what You are about to do in my life. In Jesus' Name. AMEN.
Post Written By: De'Nisha Sh'Lene

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 12: Sow A Seed

Hey SIS!!!

Have you ever thought about the seeds you sow when you pray? Go ahead and be honest, most people don’t even think about praying as a way of sowing seeds. When we think about sowing seeds often times we think about an offering at church and a Man or Woman of God admonishing us to “sow a seed into good ground”. For most of us, that is the first and last time we think about sowing seeds.  When I first read The Circle Maker and did the 40 Day Challenge with Draw the Circle last year, I was truly convicted on how I approach the biblical principle of “seed time and harvest”. This principle does not only apply to sowing and reaping financial blessings, but truly extends to so many other areas of our lives. For the sake of time, let’s focus on seeds we sow in the form of prayer and words.

Batterson states, “No farmer would plant beans and expect to harvest corn!”  Why is it then that we sow seeds of unbelief, doubt, and discord with our words and expect to reap anything else?  Proverbs 18:21 tells us about the power of the tongue.  We pray for financial breakthrough, healing, promotion, and success, yet we speak words as “Girl I ain't got no money, I’m sick, I’m not qualified” and expect to still enjoy God’s best, which is the opposite of what we’ve been sowing into the atmosphere with our words.  Charles Capp once said “Faith talks. When faith talks, it talks faith, not fear and unbelief.” I encourage you today to WATCH YOUR MOUTH! Make sure the words you speak are truly the harvest you want to reap.  Words may seem small like the mustard seed talked about in our scripture for today, but words produce much more than we could imagine.

Our author goes on to say, “Each prayer is like a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers bear fruit forever.” Wow, how many of us are the fruit of the prayers prayed by someone long before us? My family is large and from the south, and often we would hear my grandmother pray, “Lord bless my children, and my children’s children, and they children’s children…” Although, she has been gone for many years and never got a chance to see the full harvest of those prayers, God is still honoring them today. Because someone took the time to intercede on our behalf, many of us are alive and enjoying the blessings prayed for many years ago. The enemy causes many of us to abort our harvest because we give up on praying about a matter. My grandmother didn’t see all of us saved and living the life she believed God for us to have, but those prayers never ceased. Often we pray about something on Monday, fired up and quoting scriptures Tues-Thurs, the answer we wanted doesn’t come by Friday, then we are now mad at God as of Saturday and are convinced this prayer stuff isn’t working. As the chapter pointed out, although we want our prayers answered immediately, that isn’t always the case in the Kingdom of God. James 5:16 in the Message bible says, The prayer of a person living right with God is something to be reckoned with. Are you giving the enemy and his camp as much hell with the prayers you praying as he is sending your way?  What are you availing to those that God has assigned you to pray for? What seeds have you sown to bring forth the fruit you are believing God for in your family, your city, and your world? President Obama used the phrase be the change you want to see, but I want to challenge you to sow the seeds you want to reap!
Listen to this song and let it minister to you:)


Pray this prayer:

Lord, I bless You today because You are faithful even when I am faithless. I pray today that You would forgive me for every time I have let the enemy steal my harvest by not truly being persistent in prayer. Lord, help me find time each day to spend time in Your word and in prayer. I pray for a deeper revelation of who You are and Who I am in You. Holy Spirit, I ask You to do a work in my heart. Help me to identify when I speak words that are contrary to what the Word of God says about me and any situation that I may face. I cast down fear, for You have not given me the spirit of fear according to Your Word in 2 Timothy 1:7.  I boldly declare today that my prayers are a force to be reckoned with! I am what the Word says I am, I can do what the Word of God says, I can be what the Word says I can be. Lord, help me not to be weary in well doing, but know in your appointed time I will reap if I faint not. In Jesus name. Amen.
Post Written By: SIS Lesley

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pray For A Cure

Hey SIS!

On Day 3 of this #TagTeam Prayer Challenge, I posted my best friend's testimony of how God healed her completely from any threat of cancer. If you haven't heard the testimony, it is posted below. In the video, Ashley mentions praying a strategic prayer that was written by Lesley who is a member of Saved In Style. Lesley is a Nurse Practitioner and an intercessor (She is also my prayer and business partner!!). So many people in my life were being diagnosed with cancer, so I asked her to write a strategic prayer for them. I want to share the prayer with you and PLEASE share it with anyone you know who may be diagnosed with cancer or any threat of the disease. Have them read the prayer aloud and pray daily!!!

P.S. Lesley will be launching her blog on February 14, 2014. It will have strategic prayers that specifically address various diseases!!! Please share your testimonies because God already proved He is a healer and we know many more will be healed, in Jesus Name!!!

Live Again Blog: Prayer for Cancer

By Lesley T. Caldwell, MSN, FNP-BC:

Lord in the name of Jesus, I declare and decree today that I am what the word says. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53: 4-5). I speak over my life according to Psalms 118: 17, ”that I shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord,” for I was created for purpose and shall live to carry out the assignment and purpose you have for my life. Therefore, I declare that your name is higher than (name of the cancer) according to Philippians 2: 9-11 and I believe the report of the Lord. I shall not fear for you have not given me the spirit of fear but of Power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I have the mind of Christ and I am an over comer in Jesus name.

 (Name of Cancer) I speak to you and I command you to go in Jesus name (Matthew 17:20).  I command every cancerous cell, pre-cancerous cell, cell mutation, genetic predisposition, and/or generational curse that would allow you to operate and live in me to cease to exist and go now in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over my organs and I remind them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made according to Psalms 139:14. I declare that they have been washed by the blood of the lamb.

I command the anointing of the Holy Ghost to fall on the medical staff who have been assigned to care for me. I pray for supernatural guidance and insight into my case. I declare that side effects from medications and procedures shall not come nigh my dwelling (Psalms 91: 9-10). Thank you for the medical team but I declare that You are Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that heals (Exodus 15:26), and the medical staff and any treatment  are only mere instruments that you may use in your divine plan.  Therefore, my faith is in You God. I pray that my encounters with the medical staff and patients I meet be divine encounters where they see You in me and Your glory is revealed to them so that they would know you as God. I pray that your anointing penetrates the hallways and the exam rooms where I am placed. Holy Spirit have your way even in this situation that I face.

 I will meditate on your word day and night because according to Proverbs  4:22, Your Words are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  Your word always accomplishes what you sent it to do and according to Psalms 107:20, you sent your word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Even if my symptoms say something else, today I boldly declare that I am healed and no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).  I command my body and my life to bless you according to Psalms 103:1-5, for you are the Lord that forgives all my inequities and heals all of my diseases. Being a child of God comes with benefits and healing is a benefit that I have by being a child of the King. In Malachi 3:6 you said “I am the Lord and I change not” so I believe what you have done before you can and will do it again. Therefore, I ask in confidence in the Name of Jesus, that your healing power would overtake my body, my mind, my spirit, and my soul.

Lord, if there be any unforgiveness, God show me so that I may forgive and live again. God if there be any hatred in my heart, show me so that I can love as you love and live again. Lord ,if there be any sin in my life, I repent so that I can live a life that pleases you. God take over; use this test for your glory and your honor.  Amen.  (All scriptures form the KJV and NIV)

Post Written By: SIS De'Nisha